(The effect of Piaget's Theory cognitive constructivist in developing the skills of art education students in drawing and coloring course)


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Imad Hammoud Twaij University of Kufa / College of Education
  • Ammar Mohmmed Ali University of Kufa / College of Education




Constructivism Theory Piagt, Impact, Skills Development, Drawing Colors


Educational technology has been significantly expanding in its field in a remarkable way. The expansion has offered educational strategies, educational curricula and modern teaching methods to change the reality of learning. For this reason, the current study applies one of these methods in the practical field. Hence, the study entitled (The Impact of Cognitive Acceleration on Developing Students’ Skills of the Department of Art Education in the Subject ‘Sketching and Colors’), contains four chapters. Chapter One explains the methodological framework, which consists of the problem of study: What are the mechanisms by which cognitive acceleration works and what is its impact on developing students’ skills of the Department of Art Education in the subject ‘sketching and colors’ that were embodied by the products of (second stage students) in the subject of sketching and colors.الترجم

The first chapter also contains the aims of study, which is: to identify the impact of cognitive acceleration on developing the skills of the students of the Department of Art Education in the subject of s and colors. To achieve that aim, the researcher has set a null hypothesis: ((There are no statistically significant differences at (05,0) between the students of control and experimental groups in their cognitive and professional performance according to the pre-performance and post-performance observation form)). As for the limitations of research, the study was confined to the objective, spatial and temporal limits.الترجمة طويلة جدًا و

ا  Chapter Two contains the theoretical framework. It is divided into three sections, the first includes (constructivism theory with its two types; cognitive and social and their applications), with two topics (Piagetian constructivist theory) and (Vygotsky’s social constructivist theory)). The second topic deals with two topics: (cognitive acceleration and its impact on education), and (technical skills). The third topic deals with (sketching and colors, as art and study) with two topics (the art of planning), (the art of coloring). Then, the chapter concludes with literature review, and the indicators resulting from the theoretical framework.

Chapter Three outlines the research community and sample, which specifically includes the experimental design of the cognitive acceleration and then its application to the experimental group. The researcher adopts a parity between the control and experimental groups by adjusting variables related to the results of achievement, including: age, scientific background, (GPA of the previous year (2020-2021), students’ grades in sketching and colors, teacher, confidentiality of the experiment, and the adoption of parity (equivalence) among throughout their application by designing an observation tool for the experiment based on the indicators of the theoretical framework, then applied to the experimental group.

Chapter Four is dedicated to the results and conclusions, ending with   recommendations and suggestions.

In light of the experiment and adopting the T-test to compare the two groups, the results indicate the superiority of the experimental group over the control group, which was studied on the same material according to the traditional method at the level of significance (0.05).  The researcher suggests a set of recommendations, such as studying the effect of the cognitive constructivist system on developing the performing skills of the students of the Art Education Department in the art project/drawing.


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How to Cite

Twaij, A. P. D. I. H., & Ali, A. . M. (2023). (The effect of Piaget’s Theory cognitive constructivist in developing the skills of art education students in drawing and coloring course). Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 2(32), 575–610. https://doi.org/10.36327/ewjh.v2i32.13757

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