The Praise of the Prophet in The Poetry of Abdullah bin AbilKhisal, The Andalusian


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Abbas Yadallah Farsani Shahid Chamran University of Ahvas
  • Researcher Safaa Ghani Abdul-Zahra Shahid Chamran University of Ahvas



Praise of the Prophet, Andalusian Poetry, Longing, Seeking Help, Holy Places.


Praising the Prophet is one of the most important poetic purposes that poets have dealt with a long time ago, due to the glorification of the personality of the Noble Prophet (PBUH) and the dissemination of religious fundamentals in the Islamic society. The Andalusian poets deliberately employed this art within the literary production for various reasons, including what was common in the Andalusian environment of extravagance, luxury and immorality, and the shocks and losses that afflicted society at all levels, and then the fierce wars that erupted in that society that led to the emergence of catastrophes  and calamities in people's lives. Starting from this position, the Andalusian poets tried, through the use of the Prophet’s praise, to vent the distressed person, seek help from the personality of the Prophet (PBUH), and escape from the painful and sad reality, in order to get rid of the spiritual and psychological crises.


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المجلات والدوريات:

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How to Cite

Farsani, A. and Abdul-Zahra, S. (2022) “The Praise of the Prophet in The Poetry of Abdullah bin AbilKhisal, The Andalusian”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(65), pp. 315–336. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i65.9743.

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