Publication Ethics

Publishing ethics
Statement of publishing ethics in the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences
The ethical policy of the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences is based on the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee and is consistent with the Code of Conduct issued by the journal’s editorial board. Readers, authors, reviewers, and editors must follow these ethical policies when dealing with the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences. The ethical policy of the journal is responsible for determining which research papers or sample research articles submitted to the journal can be published in the journal. For information on this issue of publishing and ethical guidelines, please visit:
Duties and responsibilities of publishers:
• The Kufa Journal of Political Legal Sciences is committed to a very important issue, which is that the decisions taken by the editorial board regarding research submitted for publication on its pages must be final.
• The Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences is committed to ensuring that decisions are not made regarding the submission of research, its evaluation, arbitration, review, and publication in its final form based on a professional scientific assessment by professional people who are members of the editorial board, away from personal interests.
• The Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences monitors the application of the principles of publishing ethics not only by researchers and authors, but even by members of the editorial board, arbitrators, and even readers.
Editors' duties and responsibilities:
1- The editors of the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences have full authority to reject or accept the research after a careful scientific review and assigning the matter to the members of the editorial board and those with precise specialization.
2- The editors of the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences are committed to strict confidentiality regarding all aspects of the research submitted for publication, and no information must be provided about the research and its details, or about the author, or even about the scientific arbitrator.
3- The journal editors may not accept any research that does not comply with the ethical standards and conditions of publication in the journal.
4 - Discussing the matter and advice between the head of the editorial board and the members of the board regarding accepting or rejecting the research, with full commitment to the confidentiality of the research information and the authors, away from any personal or material tendencies or interests, in a way that does not harm the reputation and academic integrity enjoyed by the board members.
5- The journal editors’ commitment to looking into issues of plagiarism and fraudulent data by relying on special plagiarism programs.
Duties and responsibilities of arbitrators:
1- The journal’s reviewers must assist the members of the editorial board in making the decision to publish or reject the submitted research. This is done in accordance with a very transparent policy.
2- Arbitrators must maintain the confidentiality of the research that was sent to them for the purpose of submission, such as the research title, the researcher’s name, his affiliation, and other information away from personal interest or for any other purposes.
3- The arbitrators must adhere to the appropriate timings for conducting the arbitration process and making the final recommendation regarding the research (publishing it or rejecting it).
4- The referees’ comments for peer-reviewed academic research and articles must be very transparent, supported by material scientific evidence, and submitted to the editorial board.
Duties and responsibilities of authors:
1- The researcher or writer’s commitment to writing his research in accordance with the rules and conditions of publication in the journal.
2- The research must not be published anywhere else, or currently under study by another journal for publication or any other publisher.
3 - It is also the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the research issued by a concerned institution is submitted with the necessary approval of the institution and to attach a letter authorizing the researcher to write or research for that institution.
4- Adherence to the rules of citation, documentation, and publishing ethics.
5- The responsible author must sign a copy of the approval of all authors in the case of research by more than one researcher, before accepting the research for publication, in order to be legally responsible towards the journal’s ethics and privacy policy.
6- The researcher must refer to previous studies and research in the field in which he is writing if he has used those studies in his research.
7- Under an open access license, authors retain copyright ownership of their content, and anyone is allowed to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are properly cited.
8- Referring to the work of researchers that gave results similar to or different from the results reached by the researcher.
9- When the author(s) discover a major error or inaccuracy in his published work, it is the author’s duty to immediately notify the editor-in-chief of the journal or the publisher to withdraw or correct the research.
10- Ensuring the originality of the research and that it meets professional standards for research ethics, and avoiding all types of unethical research behavior such as plagiarism, fabrication, and forgery.
11- All authors should know that research submitted under review or published in the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences is subject to examination using anti-plagiarism software.
12- Submit original research not previously published in any journal or conference proceedings.
13- All authors must ensure that all authors have read the final submission checklist before sending it to the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences
14- Reference to research derived from university dissertations and dissertations.
Violation of publishing ethics:
Plagiarism: A person’s intentional use of another person’s ideas or other original materials as if they were his own ideas, even if a sentence was used by the same researcher who published it in other journals without a proper citation, is considered plagiarism by the Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences. All manuscripts under review or published in the journal are checked using plagiarism prevention software. Through the program, for more details, please visit the following website:
Penalties :
In the event of scientific theft by one of the authors, and after confirming all the observations by the scientific arbitrator, what it is