Preparation of Poly vinyl Alcohol Solutions in Polar Solvents with Calculation of Activation Energy of Viscous from Arrhenius Equation


  • Nahla S salman
  • Rafid K Kmal
  • Nadher D radhy


This paper involved, preparation of solution poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) in polar solvents ( ethanol , water) from ( 298.15 to 348.15) K under atmospheric pressure.

The effect of temperature on viscosity present experimental was studied for solutions poly vinyl alcohol that obtained from experimental data densities in the same temperature ( 298.15 to 348.15 ) K . and calculate the activation energy of viscosities for these solutions poly vinyl alcohol from arrhenius equation below :                


Ƞ=Ƞ0   exp   ……………………………(1)

The values of activation energy of solution poly vinyl alcohol in water was 17.496 J while the values of activation energy of solution poly vinyl alcohol in ethanol was 18.237 J.

The different values of activation energy viscosities of these solution due to intermolecular interaction.


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How to Cite

salman, N. S., Kmal, R. K., & radhy, N. D. (2018). Preparation of Poly vinyl Alcohol Solutions in Polar Solvents with Calculation of Activation Energy of Viscous from Arrhenius Equation. Journal of Kufa for Chemical Sciences, 2(2). Retrieved from