Special controls for publication in the “Journal of Kufa for Chemical Sciences”.

Journal of Kufa For Chemical Sciences, a refereed scientific journal, issued by the Faculty of Education for Girls at the University of Kufa in two issues in  the year, and research papers are accepted for publication in English only within the field of chemistry specialization.

a-  Research submitted for publication must not have been previously submitted for publication, accepted for publication, or published in another journal.
b- The Authors must confirm this in the research presentation letter addressed to the editor-in-chief, and it is not permissible to re-publish the above.
c- To be published in the Journal of Kufa  For Chemical Sciences or a summary of it is published in it or in another journal except after written approval from the Before the editor-in-chief.
d-  Authors are kindly requested to consider the following paragraphs when submitting research:
1- Submitting a written request to publish the research with an undertaking not to send it to any other journal for publication in it.
2- Payment of evaluation and publication fees of “75 thousand dinars” for research from inside Iraq and “one hundred dollars” for research from outside Iraq.
3- The number of research pages shall not exceed (15) pages, and an amount of “5 thousand dinars” shall be added for each additional page.

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Journal of Kufa For Chemical Sciences - College of Education for Girls - University of Kufa.
Editor in Chief
Prof. Dr. Hasan Thamer Ghanim