A Sensitive Spectrohotometric Assay for the Determination of Manganese (II) Using Antipyrine azo as New Reagent


  • Hussain J. Mohammed
  • Fatma A. Khazaal


A simple , sensitive and selective method has been developed for the determination of Manganese (II). The method is based on the chelation of metal ion with 4-(4- Amino antipyrine azo ) resorcinol (APAR)to form an intense color  soluble product , that is stable and has a maximum absorption at 486 nm , εmax of 1.62x104 L.mol-1.cm-1 . A linear correlation (0.1-1.2 µg/ml) was found between absorbance at  λmax and concentration .The accuracy and reproducibility of the determination method for various known amounts of Manganese (II) were tested . The results obtained are both precise (%RSD was better than  0.462 % )   and    accurate (relative  error was better than  0.2%) .The effect of diverse ions on the determination of Manganese (II) to investigate the selectivity of the method were also studied .The stability constant of the complex under optimized conditions and at room temperature was 7.8x107 L.mole-1 .The method was applied to the determination of Mn(II) ion in some standard practical samples and the determination of the content of Mn (II) in fallen dust particles upon AL- Kut  governerate in Iraq .The fallen dust particles were collected form the buildings roof 


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How to Cite

J. Mohammed, H., & A. Khazaal, F. (2012). A Sensitive Spectrohotometric Assay for the Determination of Manganese (II) Using Antipyrine azo as New Reagent. Journal of Kufa for Chemical Sciences, 1(3). Retrieved from https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/jkcs/article/view/3445