Using the Transtheoretical Model of Change to Understand Collegians’ Whole Grains Consumption




Transtheoretical Model of Change, Whole Grains Consumption, assessment, spinal cord injuries, quality of life, University Students


Background: Young people who develop good habits will find it simpler to keep them than to subsequently change their ways. Despite their great importance to human-beings’  health, large number still do not consume the recommended amount of whole grains.

Aim: This study aims to (1) identify university students’ readiness to consume whole grains and (2) investigate the differences in students’ Pros, Cons, and Self-Efficacy for consuming whole grains between the groups of gender, living arrangement, and body mass index categories.

Methods and materials: A descriptive design  was used to guide this study. Data were collected for the period from October 10th, 2022 to December 20th, 2022. The study included a convenience sample of 540 undergraduate students who were recruited from humanistic colleges from four public universities in Baghdad City . The study instrument includes participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and body mass index, The Stages of Change Scale for Whole Grain Consumption, and The Self-Efficacy Scale for Whole Grain Consumption. Data were analyzed using the statistical package for social science for windows, version 26.

Results: The study results revealed that more than a half are in the Contemplation Stage of Change for whole grains consumption, followed by those who are in the Preparation Stage, and those who are in the Maintenance Stage. There is a statistically significant difference in the Self-Efficacy of whole grains consumption between gender groups. There is a statistically significant difference in the Pros of whole grains consumption among the body mass index groups.

Conclusion: More than a half still do not intend to consume whole grains. The higher the body mass index, the greater the Pros of whole grains consumption. 


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How to Cite

Abd Ali, M. B. (2023). Using the Transtheoretical Model of Change to Understand Collegians’ Whole Grains Consumption. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences, 13(1), 46–54.