Study radar to detect the buried monuments in the holy mosque of Kufa, using ground penetrating radar


  • Nisreen M. Al-Maqram


Was used in this research a new technology, a ground penetrating radar ((ground penetrating radar to detect features and foundations are buried beneath the ground of Kufa Mosque holy Such surveys carried out the first of the two sites have been using antennas (500MHz) to a depth of one meter and six tracks (291,292,293,294,295,296) and the path length of 15 meters Mthah of east to west, and the distance between the track and the last of  90 centimeter to study the floor of the mosque at one meter depth were taken close to the shrine of the Prophet Gabriel, peace be upon him either a second site was used antennas (250MHz) and a depth of 5 meters under the ground in order to detect distortions found at a depth of 5 meters and has a single path a length of 15 meters, traveling from north to south, either for treatment has been using the Explorer program rad RAD Explorer and also GPS device.


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How to Cite

M. Al-Maqram, N. (2017). Study radar to detect the buried monuments in the holy mosque of Kufa, using ground penetrating radar. Journal of Kufa-Physics, 9(1). Retrieved from



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