Effect of Hibiscus sabdraffira and tea extract on cellular immunity in lab animals


  • Azhar .A. L. althahab
  • wasan sami shuker


In this study , the effect of aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces ,black and green tea leaves were studied in lab animals . Cellular immunity which represented by the phagocytes as in the reduction of NBT dye and skin DHT test. Hibiscus extract was showed higher significant NBT reduction in P ≥.05  compare with tea extract and control where's there three plants were stimulated cellular immunity in skin DTH test demonstrated by signs of reaction such as redness ,thickness ,necrotic ,indurations and erythma after 24-72 hr. 


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How to Cite

althahab, A. .A. L., & shuker, wasan sami. (2011). Effect of Hibiscus sabdraffira and tea extract on cellular immunity in lab animals. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology, 3(2). Retrieved from https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/ajb/article/view/9308