Plagiarism Policy

All submissions to Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology ( AJB) for review or publication are subject to a plagiarism check using the Turnitin softwar to judge any case of plagiarism on its limits. If plagiarism is detected by the editorial board member, reviewer, editor etc., in any stage of article process- before or after acceptance, during editing or at a page proof stage. We will alert the same to the author(s) and will ask them to rewrite the content or to cite the references from where the content has been taken. If more than 25% of the paper is plagiarized- the article may be rejected and the same is notified to the author.

When Plagiarism Check Done?

All the submitted manuscripts for publication are checked for plagiarism after submission and before starting review.

Handling Plagiarism?

The manuscripts or papers in which the plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of the plagiarism.

  • <5% Plagiarism:The manuscript will be given an ID and the manuscript is sent to author for content revision.
  • 5- 30% Plagiarism:The manuscript will not be given an ID and the manuscript is sent back to author for content revision.
  • >30% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be rejected without the review. The authors are advised to revise the manuscript and resubmit the manuscript.