Responsibilities of Authors

Responsibilities of Authors

  1. All manuscripts must be written in standard English and should adhere to proper terminology and language usage. We strongly advise the Authors to double-check their manuscript with a professional language editor before submission. It is well known that a paper with proper language usage and good presentation would attract more readers and have higher impact.
  2. Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published and are not being under processing at another journal or conference. Partial publication of some results at a conference should be indicated on the front page of the manuscript.
  3. Approval from all co-authors must be obtained before the manuscript can be published. The corresponding author is responsible for this agreement.
  4. In order to sustain the peer-review system, the Authors are encouraged to participate in the review process via registering with JoKMC as reviewers so that they might evaluate manuscripts submitted by other authors.
  5. The authors are responsible to obtain the necessary approvals from their institutions before submitting their manuscript.
  6. To submit a manuscript, the authors must permit JoKMC to edit their manuscript for improved readability.
  7. If the research was funded or sponsored by institutions, the authors are requested to clearly acknowledge the support of these institutions.
  8. All manuscripts submitted for review and publication at JoKMC must be screened for plagiarism using some standard anti-plagiarism checker. Plagiarism violates the publication ethics.
  9. Before submitting the manuscript to JoKMC, Authors must ensure that they have read the submission final checklist.