Histological changes in the tonsils of patients infected by Epstein –barr virus


  • Abbas Sabbar Dahkil Al-naely Faculty of medicin / University of Qadisyia




Histological changes , Epstein –barr virus


This study was conducted on 50 subjects whom had visited the AL-Sadder Medical City and Al-Hakeem hospital in AL- Najaf governorate. The subjects of this study were chronic or recurrent tonsillitis patients, their age ranged from 4 to 33 years.. The biopsy of tonsils were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and then processed in routine  histopathological techniques.

The histopathological changes revealed infiltration of the inflammatory cells, multinucleated giant cell,  germinal hyperplasia and large abnormal lymphocytes can be seen. Slight-moderate lymphocyte infiltration and/or diffuse lymphocyte infiltration leading to the defect in the surface epithelium of tonsils.


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How to Cite

Sabbar Dahkil Al-naely, A. (2017). Histological changes in the tonsils of patients infected by Epstein –barr virus. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology, 9(2), 176–181. https://doi.org/10.36320/ajb/v9.i2.7582