The effect of green areas in improving the local climate of Najaf city according to the criterion of thermal comfort


  • Asaad saleem Lahmood department geography, College of Arts, University of Kufa
  • Mustafa kamil Othman Department geography, College of Arts, University of Kufa , Iraq



Green areas, local climate, thermal requirements, criterion


The green areas in the city are of great importance in improving the internal environment of their residents. The increase in the number of people living in urban centers of large cities and the expansion of housing horizontally and vertically contributed directly to the increase in the various means of transportation and polluting economic activities and for this the urgent need to expand into the existing green areas Within the cities, the city of Najaf lacks sufficient areas to meet The actual needs of its population of (791217) people, where green area uses occupy an area not exceeding (613122) m 2 at a rate of (1.7%) of the total area of the city, i.e. (10.1%) of the total public area for recreational services . Green areas are generally defined as the areas in which the largest part is covered by various plants.


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How to Cite

saleem Lahmood, A., & kamil Othman, M. (2021). The effect of green areas in improving the local climate of Najaf city according to the criterion of thermal comfort. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology, 13(3), 63–92.

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