German Disarmament Post World War I: A Study of the Roots of the German Issue


  • Prof. Dr. Emad Hadi Abed Ali University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls
  • Researcher Zainab Muhammad Nadhim University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls



The naval and terrestrial weaponization race had been an important reason for the international relations disturbances, as the post 1870 era had witnessed serious competition and armaments between its major countries. The land arms race between Germany and France began after the Seventieth War in 1870, and continued between them until it reached its climax in 1913, when new military laws of an offensive rather than defensive nature were issued. It had strengthened the offensive power in each of the two countries. The German government took a path to German naval armament when it took a decision in 1897, to establish a naval war fleet prepared to carry out maneuvers and military operations in the North Sea between the German and British shores. The nature of the topic has  necessitated dividing it into two sections. The first tackles the German disarmament in the November Armistice of 1918, while the second has dealt with the German disarmament in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.


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How to Cite

Abed Ali, E. and Nadhim, Z. (2022) “German Disarmament Post World War I: A Study of the Roots of the German Issue”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(66), pp. 151–192. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i66.10476.