(The impact of inflation on the performance of the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period 2007-2018)


  • Mr. Dr. Aqil Shaker Abdel Shara Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Administration and Economics
  • Researcher Hussam Muhammad Jabbar Al-Janabi Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Administration and Economics




inflation rate, market capitalization, trading volume, number of shares, stock turnover


         This research objective to measure the impact of inflation in Iraq on the performance of the Iraqi stock market for the period (2007-2018). For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research, the hypotheses were formulated and tested by statistical means for the purpose of measuring the effect of the inflation rate in Iraq on the performance of the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The analytical method was used, in addition to the use of the statistical program (SPSS 26), where the multiple regression method was used to measure the independent variable represented by inflation on the dependent variables represented In (market value, trading volume, number of shares, stock turnover rate), the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the absence of a direct relationship between the inflation rate and the performance indicators of the Iraqi stock market during the study period, then the research concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is raising The value of the local currency and the increase in the purchasing power of the consumer, which contributes to the elimination of the phenomenon of high commodity prices in the local market. In addition to developing the financial capabilities of the financial market in Iraq, it is imperative to achieve a sufficient degree of economic, political and security stability with the aim of encouraging investment, especially by stimulating and attracting foreign capital inward.


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How to Cite

Shara, A. and Al-Janabi, H. (2023) “(The impact of inflation on the performance of the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period 2007-2018)”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(68), pp. 35–66. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i68.11427.

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