انماط السيرة الذاتية - دراسة وتحليل


  • شيماء عبد الحسين ابراهيم




Studying the biography concept, the researcher finds out that most of the studies that deal with the biography belongs to two one of two main types:- the first is general " relative " considers the literary types as a manner more than as a form so it define it in the terms of its essence, aim and view to world, hence the biography may come as any of the literary types:- novel, poem, essay and so on, where the author aims, clearly or implicatively, to narrate his life, show his thoughts or drew his feelings. This type is a concept that mixes the biography, as a modern literary type with social background, technical traditions varied forms, with the objective aspects ( which is a basic attitude of the artistic expression ), these aspect are found in every literary text neglecting the type where the development of the art is a development of the artist character and feelings, yet it is not a biography otherwise , all the literary texts would be biographies which is incredible. The second type is specific " formal " looks at the literary work as a form more than as a style, so the biography is a kind of the private literature with structural characteristics where the details are narrated basing on honesty and correspondence which means it depends on the documents and witness rather than imagination, it came within an " authorized " literature that comates to say everything honestly and accurately. This indicates that the biography has a literary features rather than the total historic ones, the biographer barrows from the literary and historic features some of their techniques and devices to enter another field and to say different thing. Biography belongs to the narrative types takes some of their shapes and methods, yet it has different aspect especially the objective feature and the historic realistic honest, which means : there is no non literary biography, that the artistic space is always penetrated by the biography narration even in its historic aspects, a reader might founds a common element between the biography and the literary work even when the biographer tried to avoid literature, this common element is the reference " authority " to a real life where we found a textual sample forms a part of the literature of the biography as an independent literary type, this is the subject of the second topic.The research founds that the biography length "short biography and long biography " Depends basically on the writer ability to give information and to invest them in the written text, in addition, some writers had focused on certain aspect or aspects of a person life believing that it is important or necessary such as Al-Ghazzaly biography where the writer focused on the jurisprudential aspect as well as his life and works, and the ancient and modern opinions, other writers dealt with the person life as a whole rather briefly such as Avicenna biography where the writer followed the narrative style represented by the short stories investing Avicenna efforts in the fields of medicine, law, literature, pediatrics, psychiatry and other fields.


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Author Biography

شيماء عبد الحسين ابراهيم

مدرس مساعد في جامعة الكوفة / كلية الفقه / قسم اللغة العربية




How to Cite

ابراهيم ش. ع. ا. (2013) “انماط السيرة الذاتية - دراسة وتحليل”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(29). doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i29.5122.