الثورة الدستورية الايرانية وتأثيرها على الادب الفارسي


  • نضال جميل غضب




1 - the repercussions of the war between Russia and Iran and the need for openness to the sophisticated technology and modern.2 - advancement to learn modern science and the arts after the efforts made by Abbas Mirza.3 - new openness to the world and exchanging student delegations and non-student.4 - the spread of the printing industry.5 - the proliferation of newspapers and publications6 - translation and printing of books translated from foreign languages.7 - to establish the School of the Art House.These factors in turn did the activity of the cultural movement in Iran so affected during the era of unconditional (Constitutional Revolution) on all walks of life, including openness to modernity and the new life that epitomized in Europe in light of the industrial revolution there divided people to agree Heritage and exhibitions of modern and update where emerged great literary life we have not seen in Iran.Following freedoms and democratic principles in Iran and the spread of education throughout Iran took them all, and among these rulers, considering the self-determination of the people themselves, unbeaten writers and poets involved people in their thoughts and left the Royal literature. And we can say that poetry and literature have entered people's lives. Leaving hair inherited.


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Author Biography

نضال جميل غضب

مدرس دكتور في جامعة الكوفة / مركز دراسات الكوفة




How to Cite

غضب ن. ج. (2013) “الثورة الدستورية الايرانية وتأثيرها على الادب الفارسي”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(29). doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i29.5129.