Effects of the blockade on Iraq


  • Abd Al-Abbas Fadikh Al-Manqoushi University of Karbala - College of Education
  • Afrah Hussein Jawad University of Karbala - College of Education




alhisar, alearaqi, alkhutat alaiqtisadia


  The siege imposed on Iraq had multiple and comprehensive negative effects on the Iraqi economy in a way that left many manifestations and quickly affected directly the lives of citizens and the standard of living, as it affected all aspects of life for the citizen and the state together, as one of the elements of the state's strength and position is the availability of a strong and capable economy To meet the needs of citizens on the one hand and to manage the wheel of state institutions on the other, because it is a factor of political stability. Therefore, the destruction and weakening of this factor would lead to weakness in the overall activities of the state and its political system The importance of these sectors emerges through the role they play in achieving economic plans by virtue of the role these sectors occupy in economic activities, and they contribute greatly to increasing the national product. These productive sectors are more affected by the economic blockade.


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How to Cite

Al-Manqoushi, Abd Al-Abbas, and Afrah Jawad. “Effects of the Blockade on Iraq”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 56, June 2023, pp. 284-99, doi:10.36317/kaj/2023/v1.i56.11623.