)If) the conditional between Arabic grammar and Quranic grammar - a comparative study -


  • Assistant Lecturer Suhad Hussein Abdel Reda Ministry of Education - Directorate of Education of Najaf Governorate




Research Summary                                                                                

 This study is based on the search for the subject of the conditional condition of the previous studies. This study investigates how this tool is used in the Qur'anic text, and that this use is often contrary to grammatical rules agreed upon by most grammarians Because it is necessary to look at the significance that is expected in those places that are contrary to what is customary, such as looking at the cause of the condition and condition of the condition (if conditional) rather than The actual sentence, based on what It was necessary to study this subject by comparing the Arabic grammar, which was based on the rationality of the grammatical base, and the Qur'anic version of the Qur'anic principle of use, which refuses to say that most of the grammatical rules in the Holy Qur'an are contrary to what is customary in grammar. The Quranic use came mostly - if not entirely - because of the meanings and connotations that the text wanted to convey to the recipient without adherence to and strict adherence to those rules.


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How to Cite

Assistant Lecturer Suhad Hussein Abdel Reda. (2023). )If) the conditional between Arabic grammar and Quranic grammar - a comparative study -. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 3(29). https://doi.org/10.36327/ewjh.v3i29.12741