Publication Fees

  • The fee for publishing a research paper from someone with the rank of professor is (90) thousand Iraqi dinars for (20) pages, and in excess of that, an amount of (3) thousand Iraqi dinars is collected for each page.
  • The fee for publishing a research paper for those with the rank of assistant professor is (80) thousand Iraqi dinars for (20) pages, and in excess of that, an amount of (3) thousand Iraqi dinars is collected for each page.
  • The fee for publishing a research paper for someone with the rank of teacher is (75) thousand Iraqi dinars for (20) pages, and in excess of that, an amount of (3) thousand Iraqi dinars is collected for each page.
  • The fees for publishing research for those with the rank of assistant teacher are (70) thousand Iraqi dinars for (20) pages, and in excess of that, an amount of (3) thousand Iraqi dinars is collected for each page.
  • Publication fees is waived for international authors.

    publication fees should be paid to the Accounts Division, College of Education for Girls, University of Kufa.