أركون والوحي - دراسة نقدية -


  • احمد السعدي Kadhim (Online Editing)



Arkun is one of the followers of thought of orientalism regarding project of criticism of Islamic wisdom. He believes that Islamic wisdom reflects Islamic inheritance; so he decides to study and investigate Islamic inheritance, and because Islamic inheritance is based on the Holy Quran he seeks to survey the Holy Quran and its source, i.e., revelation.

In this research the Quranic method of Arkun is distinguished. He conforms comparative Islamology on the Quran. From the viewpoint of Arkun, revelation is a lexical plural combination that can be reviewed, reversed and interpreted. Revelation that Arkun seeks to introduce is not the same revelation that Islam propound, because Arkun does not differentiate between revelation of the Holy Prophets and revelation of forged religions.

Keywords: Arkun, Revelation, Comparative Islamology, Orientalism


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How to Cite

Kadhim (Online Editing) احمد السعدي. “أركون والوحي - دراسة نقدية -”. Faculty of Jurisprudence Journal , vol. 2, no. 25, July 2017, https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/fqhj/article/view/8519.