A Geographic Analysis in air pollution rates with gases during the period of the health ban of the Corona pandemic “and beyond” for the period 1-3-2020 to 1-10-2020


  • Prof. Dr. Zainab Abdel-Razzaq Al-Taghlibi University of Kufa / College of Urban Planning - Department of Environmental Planning




     The study aims to analyze spatial and temporal rates of air pollution with gases during the period of the health ban of the Corona pandemic and beyond, by taking different samples of air pollution rates with gases from the study area and making a comparison with them. And determining the most important sources of air pollution with toxic gases in residential areas in the city and their variation during and after the ban times, and measuring the rates of air pollution with toxic gases issued by them, considering that this increasing type of pollution has become important because of its negative effects on the surrounding environment and on the person himself.

The concentrations of toxic gases that have a role in the spread of the problem of air pollution in the study area were measured, to determine the level of air pollution with gases resulting from the various activities of the population in the study area. The recorded levels were compared with some standards, and it was found that the percentages recorded during the ban were often within the permissible limit of the health level compared to other days.

The field survey and the geographical distribution of air pollution samples in the study area showed that there is a significant decrease in the levels of gas concentrations during the period of the health ban compared to the normal days after the ban due to the decrease in population movement and various activities as well as the reduced traffic in the study area, and this is considered one of the positive effects of the virus. corona.


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How to Cite

Al-Taghlibi, Z. (2023) “A Geographic Analysis in air pollution rates with gases during the period of the health ban of the Corona pandemic ‘and beyond’ for the period 1-3-2020 to 1-10-2020”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(69), pp. 199–224. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i69.12558.