اساليب المعامله الوالدية وعلاقتها بالامن النفسي لدى طالبة الجامعة


  • اميره جابر هاشم
  • حسين عبد علي هادي




يسيطرالامن النفسي اهمية كبيرة في كل الاديان السماوية  وتتجلى بهخ الاهمية الانسانية ويتمحور الامن النفسي بالسلام ،الحماية، الاستقرار المعاملة الابوية المُثلى للاطفال ، والامن النفسي يتعارض مع الحروب والكوارث التي تؤثر سلبا على الاطفال والعوائل التي تنشد لهم التربية والتنشأه السليمة ، الاطفال ذو شخصية عاطفية بحتة لذا تربية الاطفال وامنهم النفسي مرهون في شرط الامن الحالي برعاية ابوية صالحة  .من جملة ما توصلنا اليه،تحقيق المن النفسي للطلاب ،الامن النفسي لدى الجنسين وكيفية التعامل معه،الختلافات في درجة الامن النفسي .

The Psychological security takes over an importance in all sky religions , its an importance human needs , which appear in security , peace ،protection ، and stability , the limitations of psychological security are parental child rearing practices , the psychological security which to oppose for threat because of catastrophes and wars and companions of negatively experiences who the families opposed and affect negatively on children cause for them emotional personality disorder , therefore its study parental child rearing practices and psychological security is very important at current security condition . The present research aims at :
1- Measuring psychological security for students University .
2- Identifying the differences in the degree of psychological security in relation to
the Sex variable .
3- Identifying the most use the parental child rearing practices.
4-Identifying the relationship between psychological security and parental child rearing
5- Identifying the differences in the degree of psychological security in relation between
the two major dimensions of the parental child rearing parasites( Restrictive-permissive)
and ( warmth – hostility ), and sex variable.

To a achieve the above aims , the sample used has been chosen randomly from
Al-Kufa University students . It consists of ( 350) subjects,(190 ) male and ( 160 ) female . The researchers have developed two scales . There are psychological security، and parental child rearing parasites and to get on (validity , reliability ).
The results of research point out the following :
1- The average of psychological security of sample was less than that of the theoretical
average which scored ( 126 ) .
2-There were significantly differences in the degree of psychological security between
Males and females for favor of the males.
3- The most of frequent parental method of child rearing practices for students was
Permissive warm .
4 – There were significantly meaningful differences in the degree of psychological
Security to interaction between the two major dimensions of parental child rearing
Practices and the sex ,According to the results, recommendations have been drawn.


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Author Biographies

اميره جابر هاشم

استاذ مساعد دكتور في جامعة الكوفة / كلية التربية للبنات

حسين عبد علي هادي

مديرية تربية النجف




How to Cite

هاشم ا. ج. and هادي ح. ع. ع. (2009) “اساليب المعامله الوالدية وعلاقتها بالامن النفسي لدى طالبة الجامعة”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(12). doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i12.4906.