Abu al-Hindi’s poetic innovations and the extent to which Abu Nawas was affected by his wines (a critical and analytical vision)


  • Eyad Mirshekari PhD student of Arab language and literature , faculty of literature and humanities , The Islamic Azad University , central branch , Tehran , Iran
  • Zahra Khosravi Vamakani Associate professor of Arab language and literature , faculty of literature and humanities , The Islamic Azad University , central branch , Tehran , Iran




KHAMARIAT, Abū l-Hindi Riahi, Abu-Nuwas, intertextuality, plagiarism



Plagiarism and intertextuality are historically some of the most important discussions of literary criticism and critics have always placed an emphasis on these issues in their works and study so far as we can boldly say there are no books on literary criticism which have not addressed these issues in some way. These discussions are also very much widespread with many links to various fields of study.

This study uses descriptive-analytic method with reference to Abū l-Hindi and Abu-Nuwas' poems and a comparison between their poetry. The study includes an introduction, two main discussions and conclusion. In introduction the motives behind choosing this subject and its importance and literature review is explored.

In the first discussion, Abū l-Hindi's poetic properties and the reasons he turned to KHAMARIAT poetry and his views towards life is examined and analyzed.

The second discussion, addresses the following questions: was Abu-Nuwas influenced by Abū l-Hindi, how much was the influence and are these adoptions in the form of copying poems or could they be perceived as "unity of thought" and "similarity in themes"?

Finally the results show that unlike what Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani concludes in "al-Aghani" and also, contrary to what Ahmad Abd al-Majid al-Ghazali as the gatherer of Abu-nawas poems writes, and different from the opinion of some of the contemporary critics, Abu-Nuwas' approach to Abū l-Hindi was only partial and never reached the point of plagiarism.


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How to Cite

shekari, Eyad, and Zahra amakani. “Abu Al-Hindi’s Poetic Innovations and the Extent to Which Abu Nawas Was Affected by His Wines (a Critical and Analytical Vision)”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 53, Sept. 2022, pp. 18-1, doi:10.36317/kaj/2022/v53.i1.10267.