The eloquence of brief forms speech in poetic signatures arts


  • OSAMAH HUSSEIN SHAHEEN Al-Muthanna University College of Basic Education



brief forms, brief type, Poetic signatures


This study investigated the intensity of the expressive type, and coloring its meanings to be consistent with its minimized verbal limit and its creative form, and then it revealed the dynamics of the rhetorical component in a summarized method. The current study examined the brief forms represented by the arts of speech looking for the impact on the receiver. In this respect, the signatures in this study stressed the concept of authority and what it issues of orders of acceptance or rejection. In another poetic signature chosen from ancient Arab heritage, it treated human phenomenon starting with a question whose answer was given by signing on the sent patch, resulting in an eloquent answer which was imitated by the occupation lords of the Arabic ancient heritage. Consequently, signatures appeared in meaningful methods fluctuating between statement, meaning, and Al Badee. The brief forms are based on an eloquence which is equal to the eloquence of the extended texts and compatible with the elements of the brief text like condensation.                                                                          


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How to Cite

Shaheen, Osama. “The Eloquence of Brief Forms Speech in Poetic Signatures Arts ”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 59, Mar. 2024, pp. 161-79, doi:10.36317/kja/2024/v1.i59.14823.

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