The effectiveness of children's theater texts in treating autistic patients


  • Shaukat Abdul Karim University of Kufa- College of Arts
  • Evan Ali Hadi Sahib University of Kufa- College of Arts



The child's theater works through the topics presented as a measure of intelligence, as it is possible to observe the child's ability to deal with the symbols on the stage, as well as to measure his arithmetic ability through the type of texts presented, and to know his ability to acquire and retrieve vocabulary and to observe them in following the instructions given through the theatrical texts, and he can deal With the following intelligences:

1- Abstract intelligence: It is represented in the ability to deal with abstract things such as meanings, symbols, ideas, concepts and mathematical relations.

2- Mechanical intelligence: It is represented by the ability to deal with physical objects and perform tasks and motor skills.

3- Social intelligence: It is represented in the ability to communicate with others, in social processes and in the formation of relationships and friendships.


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How to Cite

عبد الكريم شوكت, and صاحب ايفان. “The Effectiveness of children’s Theater Texts in Treating Autistic Patients”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 23, July 2015, pp. 179-14, doi:10.36317/kaj/2015/v1.i23.6478.