Affiliation to the tribe among Arabs before Islam, its importance, and its impact on the society of the Arabian Peninsula


  • Dr. Ali Kasar Al-Ghazali University of Kufa – Faculty of Education for Girls




This study includes ''the Affiliation of the tribe in the Arabs before Islam and its impact in shubh Aljazeera Alarabia community''.

The Arab citizen before Islam was careful linked with his tribe because it was the nature of the Arab community at that time was a cubic society, the tribal life was based on family relations, blood and the loyalty to the tribe as aresult of the ground capacity, a hard nature, adifficulty of transportation and proliferation of primitive life, there was no government system as tempood in cities.

The subject of this study focuses on the factors of the tribe in a community of shubh Aljazeera AlArabia like: (Aunity of the tribe, the appearance of the prominent and famous persons the pride of the persons with their tribes the force of the tribe and its prestige between the tribes, the religion of tribe and the tribal fortune.

This study also inclides the manner of the person in his tribe and his family and his social stauts amony them.

This study also includes the prestige of the tribe other tribes and how this is reflected it citizens.

This study was depended on acollection of an ancient Arabian sorces and amodern secondary refrences like:-

(AlOkd Alfareed) book by: Ibn Abdurabah (Al Aghany) book by: Abo Alfarag AlAsfahany.

(Al Mufasal fi tareekh Alarab Qabl AlIslam) by: Dr. Jawad Ali …….. etc.  

The conclusion included the most important results of the researcher.


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How to Cite

Dr. Ali Kasar Al-Ghazali. (2023). Affiliation to the tribe among Arabs before Islam, its importance, and its impact on the society of the Arabian Peninsula. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 2(28).