Linguistic escalation at the syntactic level in the speech of Imam Ali (pbuh) sermon (the purpose of the mission of the prophets) as a model


  • Prof.Dr Razzaq Abdul-Amir Mahdi Al-Tayyar University of Kufa/ Faculty Basic Education
  • Murtadha Ali Kareem Ali Al-Husseini University of Kufa/ Faculty Basic Education




Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best prayer and the most complete greeting, upon Taha the Trustworthy and upon his family and his chosen companions.


God Almighty is the greatest of speakers and the most perfect speech, and the holy books of heaven are the greatest witness to that, and that his Messenger (peace be upon him) is the first interpreter of the Noble Qur’an, and after him the imams of guidance from his family (peace be upon him) the justice of the Qur’an, the master of rhetoric, the Commander of the Faithful Ali (peace be upon him).  When the speaker begins to talk about an idea, he begins with the recipient with the postulates, or begins with a simple level of the idea, then rises with it to a deeper content or moves it to a point of contention, to convince him and argue with him what he says  We can know the rise in linguistic performance: ((The rise and advancement of the linguistic expression of the individual by using multiple discursive mechanisms that enable him to keep pace with the advancement in the idea to be expressed or communicated to the addressee through systematic means of the multiple semantic sayings from one level to a higher level within the text of the text in a way that reveals to us about  Semantic, impactful and aesthetic harmonious levels achieved for the purpose of creating the text)), and it included the study of the discourse at the structural level, (the pattern of parallel straight lines in the linguistic escalation), we proceeded to extract ideas within the text, with its representation with a scheme, and then study the structural structure of a group of grammatical methods  , including: (recruitment of sentences, method of reasoning, method of deletion, method of conjunction, use of prepositions, use of relative nouns, symmetry).


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How to Cite

Prof.Dr Razzaq Abdul-Amir Mahdi Al-Tayyar, & Murtadha Ali Kareem Ali Al-Husseini. (2023). Linguistic escalation at the syntactic level in the speech of Imam Ali (pbuh) sermon (the purpose of the mission of the prophets) as a model. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 1(30).