The Arabic interactive poem and transformations of the structure of poetic production


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Mona Jaber Mijbel University of Kufa - College of Education for Girls



Research Summary 

the study was devoted to investigating the essence of the digital poem within the system of interactive literature, researching the poetics of the digital creative text, examining its mechanisms and trends towards interrogating the text and the significance formed in the interactive discourse in general, stressing the reading of the Arabic digital text within the Arab knowledge system and our presentation of the anxious experimentation of the digital poem that is the experience of ((digital excuses) Some of the biography is blue)) as a model for the first Arabic digital poem


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How to Cite

Assistant Professor Dr. Mona Jaber Mijbel. (2023). The Arabic interactive poem and transformations of the structure of poetic production. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 4(28).