The significance of referring to the pronouns, and its impact on achieving

textual coherence in the words of Imam Al-Hasan Al-Mujtaba


  • Dr. Wessal Abdul Wahed Khudair Khorasani Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Education Najaf



Abstract :

Referral is one of most important means  textual consistency. When referring it to the moral relations existing within the text, it makes its parts coherent and compact, and these semantic relationships are a clear feature of the text, because they represent a semantic unit, and the referral is embodied in a group of words that have no independent relationship in themselves, and their meaning can only be determined by referring to what refers to it. Inside or outside the text, and this interconnection that occurs between the referring element and the referred element, is only done through a set of arguments called (referral consistency tools). We divided the research into four.


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How to Cite

Dr. Wessal Abdul Wahed Khudair Khorasani. (2023). The significance of referring to the pronouns, and its impact on achieving: textual coherence in the words of Imam Al-Hasan Al-Mujtaba. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 2(31).