أعمدة التصوف الإسلامي في ميزان المستشرقين أبن عربي أنموذجاً


  • مشتاق بشير الغزالي




     Generally ,the Islamic mystical studies are the most important and essential studies in the field of the historical thought . so there is no doubt that the mysticism may rise for the hieghest range in the humanistic thought and the best one . usually , the mustic does not have an ordinary thought just like the other people , and he does not look at the materialist things in an ordinary view . so the mystics have agreat effect on the Islamic life and also it exceeds to contian the humanistic life ingeneral through the thoughts , theories , contributions of those muslim mystic .


      The orientors have had special interest with the Islamic mysticism and its characters . this interest were combined with on admiration ( in their writing we have less interest by al – islam and its characters ) .


     Ibn – araby was  amuslim , mystical philosopher . and one of the most important character in the Islamic mysticism .he attained this interest from the great orieutors so they have studied his prodnctions and they do not hide their admiration with his theories and his mystical philosophy . so we suggest him as amodel for owr research which entitled ( the columns of Islamic mysticism in the scale of orientalism , ibn – araby as amodel ) .  


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كيفية الاقتباس

الغزالي مشتاق بشير. "أعمدة التصوف الإسلامي في ميزان المستشرقين أبن عربي أنموذجاً". مجلة كلية الفقه, عدد 7, مايو، 2014, https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/fqhj/article/view/8594.


