معرفة الحديث الصحيح عند ابن الصلاح دراسة نقدية في المصطلح والمباني الحديثية


  • صالح جبار القريشي







Research Summary:

1-The definition that he mentioned to the correct one does not meet the purpose and need, but some of the things mentioned in the research include: Extensibility, placing unnecessary restrictions, and the inclusion of the company without the detainee, the fact that it is not inclusive of all its members, "And the restriction of" non-anomalies "is not needed for the lack of reliance of the ancients to him, and because the jurists and fundamentalists and some modernists do not prevent him from the validity of the talk, and because the modernists differ in the fact that anomalies require health or invalidity or not?

2-The definition he mentioned in which he claimed not to dispute, but the Nisaburi and Bukhari and Muslim added restrictions to the definition of the correct is not what it mentioned.

3-The orbit of the rule of health to talk not only depend on the validity of the bond as indicated by the work, but if the Matn weak, it is said that the talk is true.

4-Note the contradiction in saying the inability of the late to know the correct and good and then mentioned in other places the opposite.

5-In the case of the validity of my book Bukhari and Muslim and that the healthiest books after the book of God was rejected by several evidence cited by the research. Including the incomplete completion of the true Bukhari, and the transfer of some of the novels in the sense of the meaning, and criticism of the maintenance of some of their conversations, and narrated from the weak.

6-And the claim of the work is correct by receiving the acceptance of the nation for them, and this is useful for the pieces, and it has problems of it: the existence of the contradiction in which it violates the pieces, and not knowing the meaning of the receipt, and who is the intended nation, , Although many of the scholars differed in that, and some of them said that the receipt is useful, not the cut


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How to Cite

القريشي صالح جبار. “معرفة الحديث الصحيح عند ابن الصلاح دراسة نقدية في المصطلح والمباني الحديثية”. Faculty of Jurisprudence Journal , vol. 1, no. 29, June 2019, https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/fqhj/article/view/8329.