The Job Satisfaction and its Effect on Employee's Productivity: An Analytical Study of Opinions of a Sample of Employees in Self-Financing Companies in Diwaniyah Governorate


  • Khitam Dekhn Hamzah



The goal of this research is to focus on the subject of job satisfaction for
the employees of the self-financing companies in Diwaniyah Governorate
in order to measure the effect of this variable on the productivity of the
employees of the self-financing companies. A random sample of 150
employees was selected with 50 employees in each of the three
companies (The textile laboratory, the rubber factory, the dairy factory).
The researcher adopted a questionnaire that was counted as a measure in
this research, distributed to the sample members, and (129) valid answers
were retrieved. In order to analyze the results and choose the offers, The
research reached some conclusions, the most important being the level
The job satisfaction of women workers is higher compared with the level
of job satisfaction among male employees, and the levels of production
with satisfaction and the conditions surrounding the work are closely and
uniformly linked. In addition, the research presented some
recommendations. The most important is the need for the Ministry of
Industry to assume greater importance for job satisfaction In particular,
companies operating in the province of Diwaniyah because of their
significant impact on increasing their productivity on the one hand and
achieving higher levels of industrial development in the country.


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How to Cite

Hamzah, K. D. (2020) “The Job Satisfaction and its Effect on Employee’s Productivity: An Analytical Study of Opinions of a Sample of Employees in Self-Financing Companies in Diwaniyah Governorate”, Al-Ghary Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 16(1). doi: 10.36325/ghjec.v16i1.5909.