The aesthetics of color reduction in nature paintings


  • Dr. Ali Amin Al-Jubouri University of Kufa / College of Education



    The current research deals with (the aesthetics of color reduction in nature paintings) with the aesthetic values ​​contained in these paintings by adopting the technique of reduction, simplification and color change. The problem of the current research is summarized by the following question: What are the aesthetics of color reduction in nature drawings? The research is divided into four chapters, the first chapter includes a definition of the research problem, its importance and the need for it, and the research objective that is summarized (by recognizing the aesthetics of color reduction in nature paintings). The first chapter also includes a definition of the limits of the research,  identification and definition of the most important terms contain therein. The second chapter, which is the theoretical framework of the research, is divided into two axes:

  1. The first axis is concerned with (the concept of beauty among philosophers).
  2. The second axis is concerned with (the aesthetics of nature paintings).

It also includes indicators of the theoretical framework and previous studies.

The third chapter includes the research procedures, from the research community, the research sample, the research methodology and the analysis of the research sample.

The fourth chapter contains the results of the research, and the following results reached by the researcher:

  1. Philosophical results, including: Nature artists invested natural scenes in their works after reformulating them with their personal visions and aesthetic experience, agreeing that art imitates nature first and then transcends it through formal and color reduction.
  2. Technical results, including: chromatic reduction gave an aesthetic value to the landscape, as it took it out of the familiar shape of the eye and common to the general public to an artistic form that carries aesthetic values.

  The chapter also included the conclusions of the research, and the conclusions are: The color reduction gives the artist the freedom to deal with nature in his paintings, as he comes out of the framework of literal restriction and textual simulation.

The fourth chapter also includes:

 The recommendations focused on the interest in dealing with nature in the fees of students of fine arts and art education departments, and the allocation of green places that simulate landscapes for study in the subject of planning, colors and pictorial creation by students.The most important proposals: the color between scientific theories and aesthetic values ​​in the paintings of impressionism. Then after after the fourth chapter the index of sources is brought.


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How to Cite

Al-Jubouri, A. (2023) “ The aesthetics of color reduction in nature paintings”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(69), pp. 387–416. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i69.12569.