جذور الشعر السياسي عند نزار قباني


  • فاضل محمد عبد الله




شاعر بكل معنى الكلمة، شاعر الغزل او شاعر النساء تناول البحث المراحل الاولية التي مر بها الشاعر ماقبل وبعد النكسة ، ولم يكن بعيداَ عن عن نكبة دمشق او نكبة فلسطين أو العدوان الثلاثي على مصر عام 1965 . لكنه بعد ذلك اصبح شاعراَ وطنياَ اثرت في شعره نكبة عام 1966.
انه بحق شاعر المرأة والسياسة شأنه شأن كل الشعراء حين يتفاعلون مع الاحداث ، فهو يتغنى بما يحيط به ويود من حوله.

Critics are used to viewing Nazasr Al Qabani as a courtship  poet  or women poet ignoring the fact that he is a poet in all the sense of the word . thus I directed research towards all they what is related to this rich poetics . so I dealt with the periods which Al Qabani poetry went through . The period that preceded and followed Junes setback , and I found him a courtship and women poet and the national events did not occupy his attention a lot but he was not far away from it . I mean Damascus set back or Palatines setback or the tripartite aggression in 1956 , but after this long period , he became a national part whose poetry became affected by 1967 setback and he directed his range towards the president Jamal Abdula Nasar in his famous poem "A notebook about the Setbacks margins" . He directed his criticism towards the policy of the president Jamal and the Arab leaders, but after the death of Abdula Nasir he shifted suddenly by tackling the virtues of Abdula Nasir regretting his criticism and rage towards him by a new period began in which he was awakened and directed the blame towards the Arab leaders and their neglect in the national events . so this research came to represent all the periods which Al-Qabani went through in his poetic life. I reached at the fact that he is really the poet of women and politics as well as the other poets who interacted with  the events. 


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

فاضل محمد عبد الله





كيفية الاقتباس

عبد الله ف. م. (2009) "جذور الشعر السياسي عند نزار قباني", Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(12). doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i12.4901.