شعر محي الدين بن قرناص الحموي دراسة وتوثيق


  • حسين عبد العال اللهيبي




محي الدين بن قرناص أديبٌ شامي من أهل حماة ، من بيت معروف بالفضل والأدب ، عاش في القرن السابع الهجري ، وهو أحد الذين لم تطلهم يد الدراسة والبحث والاهتمام والعناية من قريبٍ أو بعيد ، بل ظلّ في عداد الأدباء المغمورين بل المنسيين .
ولا نكاد نظفرُ في مصادر ترجمته بشيءٍ ذي غناءٍ عن سيرته ، أو ما يتعلّق بنشأته ودراسته وأسرته ، إذ تظلُّ معلوماتنا عنه قليلة جدّاً ، لا تفي بالغرض المطلوب ، إذ لم تصلنا ترجمة وافية عنه ، وهي إحدى العقبات التي واجهت الباحث خلال تتبعه لسيرته ، وجمع شعره .
وربما كان المقريزي ( ت 845 هـ ) أكثر عناية به من غيره ، ومع ذلك فإنّه لم يذكر شيئاً عنه سوى نسبه وشيءٍ من شعره ، أما مولده وما يتعلّق بنشأته ودراسته فلا نجد له أثراً عنده ، ولا عند غيره ، وهو أمر يثير الدهشة والاستغراب ، إذ كيف أغفلت هذه المظان ترجمة أديب موهوب مثل محي الدين بن قرناص الذي يعدُّ بحقّ في الذروة من كتاب الدواوين في العصر الوسيط ؛ لبلاغته ، ودقة تفكيره ، وحسن تأنيه في الكتابة مع ما يمتلك من قدرة عالية في التعبير عن أحاسيسه ومشاعره .

Muhiyydeen bin Qurnaas al-Hamawi is a Syrian poet from a noble and famous family in Hamat . He was born and lived in the Seventh Century A. H. He was on of the anonymous forgotten poets to whom researchers and scholars did not pay enough care and attention.Although Ibn Qurnaas was a famous poet who devoted his life for and was faithful to his poetry, his biographers did not define him sufficiently. Their biographies did not even enrich his curriculum vitae and that of his family. Availability of information on him was one of the obstacles that face the current researcher in collecting his works and writing his biography.Al-Miqreezy, for instance, was so interested in him, even so, he did not mention but fewer of his poetry and little biography of his family. Paradoxically, none has talked about his birthday, bringing up, or study. Amazingly, Ibn Qurnaas was neglected though he was among the top poets who wrote Divans in the Middle Ages and was so eloquent, witty, and of a high ability to express his emotions and sensations. Accordingly, the researcher believes that a study of Ibin Qurnaas and his poetry will contribute to the literary studies.The present study aims at collecting and verifying his poetry. Such poetry reflects the nature of life the poet had practiced and, in a way, has a rich material that deserves to be studied and contemplated. The researcher has consulted literary as well as historic resources such as al-Miqreezy (died in 845 A. H.), al-Umary (died in 749 A. H.), and Ibn Hujja al-Hamawi (died in 837 A. H.). The study has fallen into two parts: the first deals with his life and poetry while the second is his divan, verified and collected from literary and historic resources. Part One, however, includes three sections the first of which deals with his biography, the second with the different purposes of his poetry, and the third with the artistic zcharacteristics of that poetry .


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

حسين عبد العال اللهيبي

استاذ مساعد دكتور في جامعة الكوفة / كلية الفقه




كيفية الاقتباس

اللهيبي ح. ع. ا. (2013) "شعر محي الدين بن قرناص الحموي دراسة وتوثيق", Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(31). doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i31.5194.