The reality of poetry according to Hazem Al-Qirtagani in his book (Minhaj Al-Balgha` and Siraj al-Adaba)


  • Dr. Abdullah Khalil Zbari Abdullah Al-Ibady The Islamic University - College of Education / Najaf



What are poetry, fiction, simulation, proportionality, change



        The research confirmed the relationship of studying the nature of poetry with philosophy since the earliest times. Aristotle’s book “The Art of Poetry” was known, translated into their language by Syriac, and then translated into Arabic by order of Muslims during the flourishing of Islamic civilization in the third century AH, and it was studied by Muslim philosophers such as  Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Ibn Rushd, summarized and explained it, trying to develop these views and in-depth philosophical views of the nature of poetry, and Arabic poetry in particular, even if the seventh century AH came to the era of Hazem al-Qirtagani, we found a firm digester of all the philosophies that he presented, presenting his inimitable theory on the nature of poetry in his book (Minhaj al-Balagha and Siraj al-Adaba), which showed that the essence of poetry is due to imagination and imitation, in a detail explained by this humble research that is in your hands, my noble reader.               


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How to Cite

Al-Ibady, Abdullah. “The Reality of Poetry According to Hazem Al-Qirtagani in His Book (Minhaj Al-Balgha` and Siraj Al-Adaba) ”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 57, Sept. 2023, pp. 265-80, doi:10.36317/kaj/2023/v1.i57.11344.

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