Al-Khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi's grammatical and morphological efforts through Al-Ain dictionary


  • Wifaq Talib Al-Hdabi Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
  • Hussain Nazeri Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.



Al-Ain lexicon, Al-Khalil, Al-Farahidi, grammatical issues, morphological issues


A simple man in a suit lives ascetic by the pleasures of life, but he is rich in his intelligence and genius, and while he is thus at the top of glory, he was destined to be a pioneering scientist and a founder since the first lines he wrote for his unique sciences. As long as the world of knowledge exists, educated people in the East and West are striving to extract from it, he is Al-Khalil. The main question that can be asked in this study is: What are the sciences that are unique to them and immortalized and immortalized with them? Yes, Al-Khalil immortalized the inimitable visual scholar. He is one of the best Imamite scholars and the wonder of his time. His passion for Arabic led him to give it a significant place among languages, in addition to its undisputed position in Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem. Through the famous Al-Ain dictionary, Al-Khalil established the linguistic, phonetic, and linguistic lesson, and won the leadership in the lexical industry. Therefore, Al-Khalil participates in the foundation for Grammar in the schools of Basra and Kufa. He broadcast his grammatical views and studied accurate and complete morphology, as well as other sciences such as performances, music, arithmetic and jurisprudence.

In this study, the authors tried to focus on Al-Khalil’s effort in grammar and morphology in particular, counting the grammatical and morphological issues in the Al-Ain dictionary, and clarifying the scholars’ opinions and their differences in them, so the authors counted them with six hundred and sixty-seven issues. The share of grammar was two hundred and ninety-nine issues, and the morphology was three hundred and sixty-eight issues that have been written, balanced, and documented in the introduction and the eight volumes.


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How to Cite

Al-Hdabi, Wifaq, and Hussain Nazeri. “Al-Khalil Bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi’s Grammatical and Morphological Efforts through Al-Ain Dictionary”. Kufa Journal of Arts, no. 58, Dec. 2023, pp. 192-13, doi:10.36317/kaj/2023/v1.i57.12355.

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