The role of the financial safety net in developing confidence in the banking system An applied research on a sample of commercial banks


  • a.m.d. Ali Muhammad Al-Mamouri University of Baghdad / Higher Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies
  • m.d. Hamza Faeq Al-Zubaidi University of Baghdad / Higher Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies
  • Researcher Khalil Ghali Jabr University of Baghdad / Higher Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies



Financial safety net, banking system, crisis management


The problem of financial security emerges as a major component of the integrated financial stability framework, as well as being closely linked to the possession of solid capabilities for crisis management and prudential and supervisory regulation of the financial system. Therefore, banking supervision, including the supervision of the Central Bank, is one of the tools that may protect the rights of depositors and with several bucks. Including what is related to the legal reserve that the central bank obligated commercial banks to place a certain percentage of the banks’ capital with the central bank to protect depositors in the event of the bank’s failure, faltering and reluctance to pay its obligations towards depositors. In the event that the bank is unable to fulfill its obligations towards depositors.

The study relied on the inductive analysis method and the descriptive analysis method. The study also used the questionnaire as a tool for scientific research by answering the study questions and choosing its hypotheses. The questionnaire was distributed to all members of the study community of (100) individuals for a sample of government and private commercial bank employees, and (81) were recovered. A questionnaire out of the total number of questionnaires distributed.


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How to Cite

Al-Mamouri, A., Al-Zubaidi, H. and Jabr, K. (2022) “The role of the financial safety net in developing confidence in the banking system An applied research on a sample of commercial banks”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(67), pp. 207–246. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i67.10758.

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