The effectiveness of a proposed strategy based on differentiated education in the physical imagination For fourth-grade students


  • M. M. Haider Ammar Al-Qaisi Qadisiyah Education Directorate



Strategic effectiveness, differentiated education, الخيال الفيزيائي


    The current study seeks to find out the effectiveness of a Suggested strategy based on differentiated education and physical imagination in fourth-grade scientific students, by verifying the hypothesis of the study, to state: that isn’t statistical diffierence average (0.05) betwen averages grades of studenets of the experimenetal unit studed accoreding to the Suggested strategy and the students averege grades of the normal groups studied in the usual way in the physical imaginations scale, The study randomly identified students from the 4th scientifics grade of Abi Trap High School for Boys of Diwaniyah Education Provincial Center for the academic year 2021-2022 for the first semester of the subject of the fourth scientific physics book, and two divisions were selected out of three people in total (50) Students distributed to the two divisions (25) of the pilot group (proposed strategy) and (25) of the officer (normal), the two groups (experimental and officer) were equal to variables (time age in months, intelligence and previous information),  The researcher also prepared for each group a plan of its own, with the preparation of a measure of the physical imagination with two dimensions, the first consisting of (15) paragraphs and the second dimension of (10) paragraphs after verifying the authenticity of the virtual scale and the sincerity of the virtual scale and the strength of the distinction of paragraphs with the calculation of its stability (Alpha Kronbach), the researcher applied his own experience in the school year the first quarter (2021-2022),  After the completion of the experiment, the study data were processed by testing of samples two independent, the shower of results a clear superiority for the students of the experimenital unit that studied the proposed strategy on the students of the control group that studied in the usual in physical fiction, so rejected zero hypothesis, study came up with a set of recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite

Al-Qaisi, H. (2022) “The effectiveness of a proposed strategy based on differentiated education in the physical imagination For fourth-grade students”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(67), pp. 533–599. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i67.10793.