Productive Thinking among Intermediate School Biology Teachers


  • Prof. Dr. Karim Blasim Khalaf Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Education
  • Researcher Ali Idris Mazal Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Education



Productive Thinking, Biology Teachers


  The current research aims to identify the extent to which biology teachers at intermediate school possess productive thinking , and to identify the differences in their productive thinking according to the variables of gender and experience , representing the research community with teachers of biology at intermediate schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Qadisiyah for the academic year 2020-2021 , the size of the research sample was (150) intermediate school biology teachers , who were randomly selected .

        The researchers adopted the descriptive research method , and to achieve the aims of the research , the researchers prepared the research tool represented by the Productive Thinking Test , which consisted in its final form of (26) situations , of which (20) situations were for the critical thinking , distributed over five major skills , which were classified by (Watson & Glaser : 1981) and by (4) situations for Recognition of assumptions and (4) situations for Interpretation , (4) situations for Evaluation of arguments , (4) situations for Deduction , and (4) situations for Inference . As for creative thinking , its skills were determined according to the test of Torrance and Sayed Khair-allah , which are (fluency, flexibility, and originality) , which consisted of (6) situations , for each skill , there are two situations to measure the ability to creative thinking , the face validity and construct validity of the test were verified , and the discriminatory power of the test items was extracted and the value of the reliability coefficient was calculated using the Cronbach alpha coefficient , which amounted to (0.898) , the researchers applied the test in the second semester of the year 2020-2021, the data was processed statistically, and the results showed:

- Teachers of biology at the intermediate School  have  productive thinking.

- Male teachers surpass female teachers in productive thinking according to the gender variable.

- The male and female teachers who have service (from 5-10 years) surpass according to the variable of experience.

- The interaction of gender with experience was in favor of male teachers who had service (from 10-15 years) .


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How to Cite

Khalaf, K. and Mazal, A. (2023) “Productive Thinking among Intermediate School Biology Teachers”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(68), pp. 317–344. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i68.11515.

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