The New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union (1921-1928)


  • Prof. Dr. Imad Hadi Abd Ali Al-Hujaimi University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls
  • Researcher Maher Fleih Toman Al-Shibli University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls



Economic policy, the Soviet Union, the politics of the NEP, the Soviet economy


The research entitled The New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union (1921-1928)

 included two papers that dealt with the first topic entitled New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union (1921-1925) the nature of the economic policy to which the Bolshevik government committed itself to saving the collapsing Russian economy while adhering to Marxist principles and ideas, as well as included The second topic entitled Economic measures in the Soviet Union (1925-1928) and the most important economic stages followed in the economic construction, as the study concluded that the policy of the Nepalese constituted an important turning point in the life of the Russian people and organized the economic relations between socialist industry and small agricultural production based on private ownership and controlled Economic relations based on trade led to the reduction of peasants without arable land, as well as an increase in investment between 1921-1927 by 8 million rubles.


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How to Cite

Al-Hujaimi, I. and Al-Shibli, M. (2023) “ The New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union (1921-1928)”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(69), pp. 23–60. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i69.12550.

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