Intellectual extremism in the book The Balance of Moderation in Criticism of Men by Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Dhahabi, who died in the He died in the year 748 AH / 1348 AD


  • Prof. Dr. Fadel Kazem Sadiq Al-Abadi Dhi Qar University / College of Arts



Intellectual extremism, Balance of moderation, Criticism of men, Muhammad ibn Ahmad Shams al-Din, Al-Dhahabi


Historical narratives and what Muslim historians wrote about their history had an eloquent effect in creating convictions among many people who took these narratives as postulates, which later became a mental and cultural building from their belief in the credibility of those narratives, which originally had no credibility or historical basis.

Perhaps the Muslims in their present day have suffered a lot from the repercussions and impact of those fabricated narratives and incorrect sayings and opinions, so they paid what they cherished of their lives and resources as a victim of what historians wrote, who did not take into account the true neutrality and objectivity in their books .

The Mamluk history has been celebrated in Egypt and the Levant for a year Year 648/923 AH / 1517-1250 AD By a number of these historians, the historical narrative in this era was one of the reasons for creating extremism and the fatwa of infidelity. We have examples from the historians of this era that the matter cannot mention. We will limit ourselves to citing one example: Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Dhahabi, who died in the year 748 AH 1348 AD, and in one book Who wrote it, a book (The Balance of Moderation in Criticism of Men), which was not moderate in his views and proposals, especially when he talks about the Shiites from the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace .

be upon them He described them as the Rawafid and accused them of blasphemy and accusing them of blasphemy and departing from the religion of Islam. The house was a reason for creating luxury and atonement, which we are reaping from its repercussions at the present time.


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How to Cite

Al-Abadi, F. (2023) “Intellectual extremism in the book The Balance of Moderation in Criticism of Men by Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Dhahabi, who died in the He died in the year 748 AH / 1348 AD”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 540–560. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13019.

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