The fatwa of the competent jihad and its impact on stimulating loyalty and the spirit of giving Jurisprudence study - applied


  • Prof. Dr. Monther Abbas Meteb Imam Al-Kadhim College, peace be upon him - General Specialization Sharia and Islamic Sciences



Competent Jihad, Motivating Allegiance, Giving Spirit


Praise be to Allah, who does not reach the praisers of the right to praise himas they did their best and  saved the effort on what he has blessed us with of countless blessings and unrealized, and the best of his prayers on his Holy Messenger, the Seal of the Messengers and the Master of Humankind, the Messenger, the reporter, the right to report, the guide for goodness, righteousness and piety, and his good, pure, infallible, righteous people, whose light we are guided and by adhering to them, we guarantee victory in this world and the hereafter.

The human being by nature lives the need and lack of the necessities of life and therefore seeks to increase them in any way who is guided by the guidance of God Almighty follows what he commanded Almighty and Ali, and overcome by instinct and love of ownership, it is not bound by restriction or chastity that prevents him from following his desires and infringing on the rights of others, so the need arises strong and necessary to deter these strongly above their strength to ensure security and peace for people.

Force may sometimes prevail and is used negligently, which turns into an effect contrary to what it was used for.

Therefore, the Islamic legislation has regulated this process and set its provisions and controls that prevent the aggressor from his aggression and prevent the victor from continuing to discipline him, and Muslim jurists have studied these provisions and controls in the chapter on jihad, which they divided into two parts, in-kind and efficient.

Since we in Iraq have lived through the blessings and flows of the legislation of efficient jihad, which was issued by His Eminence the Supreme Reference, God's gift to the benevolent and even to all humanity, Imam Sayyid al-Sistani, as long as his shadow lasted, the need arose to clarify its provisions, and to study the impact of this blessed fatwa achieved beyond the fighting in the hearts of the mujahideen, so I chose to research these rulings and their effects.


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How to Cite

Meteb, M. (2023) “The fatwa of the competent jihad and its impact on stimulating loyalty and the spirit of giving Jurisprudence study - applied”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 605–635. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13023.

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