Religious discourse and its impact on peaceful coexistence between religions Al-Sistani's discourse on Iraqi affairs after 2003 as a model


  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hassan Qassem College of Education / Islamic University - Najaf Al-Ashraf



Religious discourse, Peaceful coexistence, Religions, Speech, Sayyid al-Sistani, Iraqi affairs, 2003


We find that its history is crying out for the struggle of enemies, and is full of the domination of the mighty, so hardly an era of its history has suffered from the bitterness of injustice and oppression, a vicious invasion or a hateful occupation or the ruler of Zanim, seeking to tear society apart and displace it from its position, which God willed to be so.

One of those eras that Iraq witnessed and lived bitterly is after 2003, as Baptized Rael is not a little, and met from all over the world, any of the forty-nine countries and under the name of (coalition of the willing) led by the American General (Tommy Franks) to invade Iraq, to destroy its infrastructure and homogeneous national cohesion, but the will of God is above what they want, so the religious authority in Najaf confronted with all its strength to gather hearts after the diaspora and sit in the rope of God after separation, through data Which are issued from time to time and the imams of the gathering, mutual visits and others, so the fruits of those efforts and the country stabilized after it was about to collapse, hence the importance of the research that we are about to choose.


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How to Cite

Qassem, A. (2023) “Religious discourse and its impact on peaceful coexistence between religions Al-Sistani’s discourse on Iraqi affairs after 2003 as a model”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 652–675. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13074.

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