The vision of Sayyid al-Sistani, “may his shadow last” in applying the methodology of Ahl al-Bayt, “peace be upon them,” to establish the parameters of human rights, “his commandments to the fighters as a model.”


  • Dr. Wassan Sahib Aidan Women's Library Division - Holy Shrine



Vision, Mr. Sistani, Methodology of Ahl al-Bayt, Human Rights, Commandments of the Fighters


The leadership of the Shiite religious institution, "the religious authority in Najaf", is the strongest decision among religious leaders in the Islamic world, and other religions, and the most correct opinion and the most independent for the past hundreds of years, since Sheikh Tusi set foot in the land of Najaf in 1027 AD, until His Eminence the Supreme Religious Authority Imam Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani assumed the leadership of the seminary in Najaf in 1993 AD.

During those long years, the leadership of the religious institution remained far from political tensions and external influences, because the choice of the leader or the supreme reference of the seminary is not by a government decision or optional by the general public, but the responsibility of the choice is entrusted with the guidance of Imam Al-Hujjah bin Al-Hassan Al-Muntazar "Hurry up God Farjah" because whoever is chosen for this task represents a deputy of the infallible Imam "Hurry up God Farjah" in the time of the great occultation, as stated in his honorable signature: "Either the incidents occurred, so refer to the narrators of our conversation, they are my argument against you and the argument of God," and this is conclusive evidence that a fatwa as a fateful decision is not issued except by supporting him being the owner of the command and time, and that the religious reference is the leadership of the Islamic nation in general, and the Shiite community in particular, and enjoys decision-making influential spiritually and ideologically in the hearts of Muslims, especially following Ahl al-Bayt "peace be upon them" in all matters.

Mr. Sistani's reference has gone through several important and influential stages in keeping pace with the political changes that occurred after 2003, as his vision and wisdom represent the right eye for the leadership position, which was the best representative of it by taking the appropriate position to address the serious challenges towards the Iraqi people, when Iraq was invaded by terrorist gangs in the city of Mosul on June 10, 2014, His Eminence took the initiative to issue his great fatwa "Jihad Al-Kafa'i", which was not issued in the Islamic world a hundred years ago, and formed a historical interval between Two cases of regression and a strong response in which the Iraqi armed forces have achieved victories that cannot but be considered an example of the new spirit of enthusiasm that has prevailed throughout Iraqi society.

Like what Imam Ali "peace be upon him" recommended his army several commandments that they must abide by if the enemy prevails and to be a balance for the army of Islam dealing with prisoners, wounded and other members of the enemy, Mr. Sistani confirmed these commandments, warning against those who make jihad a means and not an end, which is safety for fugitives and not to kill the wounded and in honor of a prisoner, and not to touch people's money, and not to represent the dead, and not to leave prayer during jihad, and you and bloodshed without being resolved, and that not to They rush to fight and other commandments, and therefore the commandments issued by Sayyid al-Sistani are not an extension of the commandments of the imams of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).


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How to Cite

Aidan, W. (2023) “The vision of Sayyid al-Sistani, “may his shadow last” in applying the methodology of Ahl al-Bayt, “peace be upon them,” to establish the parameters of human rights, ‘his commandments to the fighters as a model.’”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 714–734. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13140.

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