Idris bin Abdullah and his role in establishing the Idrisid state in the Arab Maghreb in the year 172 AH / 788 AD


  • M. M. Amir Jawad Kazim Ali Baig General Directorate of Najaf Education



Idris bin Abdullah, Idris bin Idris, the Idrisid state, Yahya bin Idris, a trap, the Berbers


After the finshing of Alfakha battle (169 H) which martyred in it one of the sons of the house hold of the prophet Muhmmad this man is the hero of this battle who is Hussain Bin Ali which his relative back to the second Imam Hussain Bin Ali Bin Aby Talib He faced in a great battle against bad Bny Al-Abass . Espesific during the region Al-Hadi Al-Abassi (170 H) and his bad followers who known as unfair condition , After the finishing of this batle which happened horrible events and grief sceens and one of the son of cousins the hero of Fakh batlle is Adrees Bin AbidAllah was left the land of this batle non afraid no escaped but he went with the compainian which forwarded  forwards the land of Egept and from it to the land of Arabic Moroco and he went down there and gathering the enemies AL-Abassi statement from the citizons of Arabic Moroco eraes and he could after that established a country which was AL- Adarresa statement in (172 H) and it was arrow in AL-Abassean eyes and against their oppression , finally this government raled nearly two centuries and odd year .


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Beage A.J.K.A. ( July,2023); Two Battles of AL – Taff (61 A.H / 768 A.D): A Study in Similarity and Difference Look; International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Jul-Sep2023,Vol 13, Issue 3, 191-203, Dol: .

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Beage A.J.K.A. ( July,2023); Two Battles of AL – Taff (61 A.H / 768 A.D): A Study in Similarity and Difference Look; International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Jul-Sep2023,Vol 13, Issue 3, 191-203, Dol: .

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How to Cite

Baig, A. (2024) “Idris bin Abdullah and his role in establishing the Idrisid state in the Arab Maghreb in the year 172 AH / 788 AD”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 511–530. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15864.

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