Psychological, educational and historical dimensions in the fatwa of competent jihad Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, may his long shadow be long


  • Dr. Ahmed Fadel Hassoun Al-Masoudi Karbala University / Center for Strategic Studies
  • Dr. Mustafa Hail Sakhil Al-Anbari Imam Al-Kazem College / Babylon departments



Psychological dimensions, Competent jihad, Ali al-Sistani


The fatwa of the efficient jihad of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani "Long as his lush shadow" constituted a practical guiding point for the basic dimensions needed by Iraqi society to regain the initiative in preserving its existence, during the pivotal crisis, which was accompanied by the state of brokenness, chaos and a sense of internal defeat.

 Among those dimensions is the psycho-educational dimension to restore the spirit of faith and its behaviors in the hearts of the Iraqi society and the security forces in this critical crisis, and the other dimension is the historical dimension included in the texts of the blessed sermon, which confirms the continuation of confrontation with evil throughout history, and the need for constant preparedness and preparedness.

With regard to the psychological and educational dimension, which according to educational theories targets three aspects (the cognitive aspect, the emotional side, and the skill side), the first sermon included linking society with the awaited Imam Ajl Allah Almighty Farjah Al-Sharif, especially since the incidents occurred in the blessed days of his birth, as this matter constitutes a doctrinal basis that requires being strongly invoked among members of society for what constitutes a starting point to enhance their psychological stability, as well as provoking the cognitive aspects of the knowledge of Imam ×, and the emotional aspects that stabilize the heart On the doctrine and skill aspects that make society effective, by promoting this knowledge and this belief in fighting skills and defending the faith.

As for the historical dimension, it constituted a state of establishment of the psycho-educational dimension because of its impact on evoking the line of Islamic jihad against the forces of darkness throughout history and its results that led to the victory of the righteous and the steadfast over their faith, through the blessed Quranic verses, and the narrative texts about the imams ^  referred to in the blessed sermon, as well as the centrality of the nation's return to  Ahl al-Bayt ^, especially in times of difficult crises and accidents that only Ahl al-Bayt can face ^.


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How to Cite

Al-Masoudi, A. and Al-Anbari, M. (2023) “Psychological, educational and historical dimensions in the fatwa of competent jihad Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, may his long shadow be long”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 860–880. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13153.

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