The role of the United States of America in concluding the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 The US dollar is issued to the international monetary system


  • Prof. Dr. Salam Muhammad Ali Al-Asadi Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Education
  • Researcher Thaer Sahib Shandel Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Education



World War II, the United States of America, the international monetary system, the Bretton Woods Agreement


The United States of America chose to conclude the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, to implement its strategy in achieving its interests through the results of the agreement. The United States of America has imposed its hegemony and leadership of the global capitalist economy and imposed the greatest degree of control and influence on the countries of the world, and on the exclusion of any other country capable of interfering to impede the freedom of American economic movement, After the economic devastation of the countries of Western Europe, and the latter resorting to the United States of America for its urgent need for the American economy, and asking for aid and consensus in order to reconstruct the areas destroyed by the war, and to rearrange the foundations of international economic cooperation and organization in the field of money, trade and investment that Like many other activities of European life, it was affected as much by the devastating events of war.


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( ) جون هدسون و مارك هرندر , العلاقات الاقتصادية الدولية , ترجمة طه عبد الله منصور وآخرون , ( الرياض: دار المريخ للنشر , 1987) , ص771.

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(17)The New York Times (Newspaper), No: 27,349, 23 April 1944.

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( ) لم تكن منظمة الأمم المتحدة قد انشأت بعد في ذلك الوقت, لكن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية اتخذت بالفعل مبادرة الدعوة إلى تسمية مؤتمر بريتون وودز بمؤتمر الأمم المتحدة من أجل رفع أهمية قرارات المؤتمر على ما يبدو ولتفضي طابع الشرعية الدولية على هذه الاتفاقية الدولية, إذ يتم اعتماد تلك القرارات بدون إي تشكيك , واصبح صندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي وكالات متخصصة للأمم المتحدة في 1947. ينظر: فلانتين كاتسونوف , المصدر السابق , ص79.

( ) فؤاد قاسم الأمير , المصدر السابق , ص ص45-46 ؛

T.W.B.A , Explore History, Bretton Woods and the Birth of the World Bank.

(24)The New York Times (Newspaper), No: 27,408, 3 July 1944.

(25) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, , Vol. I , OP., Cit , P.19.

(26) T.W.B.A , Explore History, Bretton Woods and the Birth of the World Bank.

(27) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, Vol. I , OP., Cit , P.13.

(28) Ahmed Naciri , OP., Cit, P.28.

( ) رمزي زكي , المصدر السابق , ص134.

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( ) رمزي زكي , المصدر السابق , ص134.

(32) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, Vol. I , OP., Cit , P.71.

(33) Ibid., P.72.

(34) Ibid. , P.73.

(35) Ibid. , P.80.

(36) Ibid. , P.80.

(37) Ibid. , P.81.

(38) Ibid. , P.80.

(39) Andre Astrow , OP., Cit , P.7.

( ) رمزي زكي , المصدر السابق , ص155.

( ) المدرسة الاقتصادية الكينزية : وتنسب هذه المدرسة الى الاقتصادي البريطاني جون منيارد كينز , وتعد من أهم مدارس الفكر الاقتصادي وأكثرها بحثاً في إيلاء دور الدولة والاهتمام بموضوع البطالة ، وقد لاقت افكاره قبولاً لدى كثير من المفكرين المعاصرين له ؛ لأن النظرية الكينزية ظهرت على اثر الأزمة العالمية التي حصلت عام 1929 التي سميت بأزمة الكساد الكبير، وأعطت العلاج بعد أن عجزت المدرسة الكلاسيكية والنيوكلاسيكية في حل المشكلة ، فقد بنيت افكار المدرسة الحدية الكينزية على تحليل ما ورد في كتاب المفكر الاقتصادي الانكليزي كينز التي اوردها في كتابه (النظرية العامة في التوظيف والنقود) , ينظر: ثروت جهان وآخرون , ما هو الاقتصاد الكينزي ؟ (( التمويل والتنمية)) ," مجلة" , صندوق النقد الدولي , واشنطن , العدد 51 , أيلول 2014 , ص53.

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( ) فؤاد قاسم الأمير , المصدر السابق , ص47.

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( ) أرنست فولف , صندوق النقد الدولي قوة عظمى في الساحة العالمية , ترجمة عدنان عباس علي , ( الكويت: عالم المعرفة ,2016), ص25 .

(47) Mahbub ul Haq, and others , OP., Cit ,P.19.

( ) رمزي زكي , المصدر السابق , ص135.

(49) Mahbub ul Haq, and others , OP., Cit ,P.22.

( ) اختار كينز هذا التعبير بانكور (Bancor) المتكون من كلمتين باللغة الفرنسية بنك (Banque) , و ذهب (Or) , دمجت بكلمة واحدة , وكانت غايته من هذه التسمية , الجمع بين فكرة المرونة التي يتميز بها البنك عادة , وفكرة ثبات أو استقرار القيمة التي يتصف بها الذهب. ينظر : عبد الكريم جابر العيساوي , التمويل الدولي (مدخل حديث) , ( عمان : دار صفاء للنشر والتوزيع , 2015) , ص12.

(51) Premysl Zbranek , OP., Cit , p.20.

( ) زينب حسين عوض الله , العلاقات الاقتصادية الدولية , ( الاسكندرية : الفتح للطباعة والنشر , 2003) , ص154.

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( ) رمزي زكي , المصدر السابق , ص ص136-137.

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(63) Premysl Zbranek , OP., Cit , p.19.

(64) Filippo Cesarano , OP., Cit , P.148.

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( ) مايح شبيب الشمري و حسن كريم حمزة , المصدر السابق , ص87.

( ) كانت من بين الوفود المشاركة هي دول أمريكا اللاتينية البالغ عددها (19) دولة وتأتي أهمية موقفها من أن وجودهم يشكل تقريباً نصف الدول المجتمعة , ممَا أدى إلى قلق الوفد البريطاني من الهيمنة العددية لدول أمريكا اللاتينية في المؤتمر ؛ لأن وجودهم كافٍ لتسوية أي قضية من خلال التصويت وبالنتائج التي تريدها الإدارة الأمريكية , وعمل ممثـــلو أمريكا اللاتينية بشكل متماسك وبالتعاون الوثيق مع الوفد الأمريكي لدعم وتأييد مشروعهم , مقابل الحصول علــى الدعم المالي وحل المشاكل الاقتصادية التي تعاني منها دول أمريكا اللاتينية , واتفقت دول البنلوكس ( بلجيكا وهولندا ولوكسمبورغ) فيما بينها بأن تقف وراء المشروع الأمريكي ؛ بسبب الصعوبات الاقتصادية المتعلقة بإعادة الاعمار الاقتصادي بعد الحرب. ينظر: ظفار محمد البزوني , المصدر السابق , ص ص2079-2080.

( ) فلانتين كاتسونوف , المصدر السابق, ص78.

(82) Premysl Zbranek ,OP., Cit , p.19.

(83) T.W.B.A , Explore History, Bretton Woods and the Birth of the World Bank ; The New York Times (Newspaper),No: 27,438, 23 July 1944.

(84) Joseph Gold, Financial assistance by the International Monetary Fund: Law and practice, ( Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1980) , p.4-5.

( ) كان مخططاً لتأسيس منظمة عالمية ثالثة , هي منظمة التجارة الدولية , لو تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة فقد كان عملها سينصب على وضع قواعد تخص التجارة الدولية , ممارسة الاعمال , والاستثمار الدولي , لكن , قضت معارضة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية على فكرة منظمة التجارة الدولية , إذ توقعت إن بأنشائها سيؤدي ذلك إلى الفرقة السياسية , ومن ثم فقد تم اتخاذ قرار بتأجيله إلى ما بعد انتهاء الحرب , ولم يتم تأسيسها حتى عام 1995 كتطور معمُق وموسع للاتفاقية العامة للتعريفات والتجارة (الجات) عام 1948. ينظر : جيمس جاربر , الاقتصاد الدولي , ترجمة هيثم عيسى وآخرون , ( دمشق: المركز العربي للتعريب والترجمة والتأليف والنشر , 2013) , ص25.

( ) حسن النجفي , النظام النقدي الدولي وازمة الدول النامية , ( بغداد : شركة اياد للطباعة الفنية , 1988) , ص23.

( ) خميس محمد حسن , المصدر السابق , ص119.

( ) حازم الببلاوي , نظرات في الواقع الاقتصادي المعاصر , ( الكويت : سلسلة فصلية تصدرها مجلة العربي , الكتاب الحادي عشر , 15 ابريل 1986) , ص62.

( ) نوال بلاح و كريمة بوبرطخ , أثر المنافسة أورو دولار على النظام النقدي الدولي , رسالة ماجستير(غير منشورة) , (جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي – جيجل- : كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير , 2015) , ص38.

( )حازم الببلاوي , النظام الاقتصادي الدولي ... , المصدر السابق , ص36.

( ) نعمان سعيدي , البعد الدولي للنظام النقدي برعاية صندوق النقد الدولي , ( الجزائر: دار بلقيس , 2011) , ص38.

( ) زينب حسين عوض الله , المصدر السابق , ص148.

( ) جيمس م . بوتون , المصدر السابق , ص45.

( ) هارولد جيمس , من بريتون وودز إلى خروج بريطانيا من الاتحاد الأوروبي , ((التمويل والتنمية)) ," مجلة " , صندوق النقد الدولي , واشنطن , العدد 4 , أيلول2017 , ص5.

John Hudson and Mark Hernder, International Economic Relations, translated by Taha Abdullah Mansour and others, (Riyadh: Mars Publishing House, 1987), p. 771.

(2) Premysl Zbranek , The Bretton Woods International Monetary System: The Act and Imbact of Dissolution , Bachelor Thesis , (Czechoslovakia : Tomas Bata University in Zlin Faculty of Humanities , 2015) , p.18.

(3) Andre Astrow , Gold and the International Monetary System , (London: Chatham House , 2012) , P.7.

( ) Communism: is a political, economic and social ideology aimed at achieving economic and living equality by eliminating private property and associated concepts, and the most famous of the expressions of communist beliefs is Karl Marx, who expressed the matter in his writings that inequality and human suffering are inevitable results of capitalism, under capitalism businessmen and private companies have factories, tools and other resources called "means of production" These owners could, according to communist belief, exploit workers, pushing them to sell their labor or "labor force" in exchange for a certain salary, and communism dates back to 1917, for more details. See:

Leslie Holmes, Communism: A Very Short Introduction, (New York : Oxford University Press, 2009) , P.17.

(5) Ahmed Naciri , The Governance Structures of the Bretton Woods Financial Institutions , ( Montreal: University of Quebec at Montreal , 2018) , P.28.

The United States of America and Britain were seeking, years before the Bretton Woods Conference, to achieve what was reached at this conference, as both US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed in 1941 to reach what was then called the "Atlantic Charter", which affirms in its entirety the right of all States to equal freedom of trade, access to raw materials, freedom of navigation without the exposure of ships to hostilities, disarmament of the aggressor States (Axis) and a security system. Permanent and stable international, see: Fouad Qasim Al-Amir, The dollar, its role and impact on the prices of gold, oil and other currencies and the role of Iraq next in oil pricing, (Baghdad: Dar Al-Ghad Publishing, 2014), p 57.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill believed that any negotiations between the United States of America and Britain should be bilateral and confidential and that the American government's treatment of Britain should be preferential, and at the same time the desire of the United States of America to negotiate with all allies separately, in accordance with the principle of "divide and rule", see: Eric Toussaint, The tyranny of the World Bank, The hidden agenda of the Washington Consensus, translated by Atak Morocco, (Rabat: Atak Morocco, 2019), p. 25.

( ) Harry Dexter White: American economist, born on October 9, 1892 in Boston, USA, was a chief of staff of the US Treasury Department, and represented the United States of America in the negotiations of the Bretton Woods Conference 1944, had an influence in the conference and imposed his vision on international financial institutions after the war despite the objections of the British economist John Maynard Keynes, accused in 1948 of spying for the Soviet Union, White testified and defended his history in the Committee on Non-American Activities in the House of Representatives, Three days after his testimony, he died of a heart attack on August 16, 1948. Consider:

James M. Boughton, American in the Shadows: Harry Dexter White and the Design of the International Monetary Fund , (International Monetary Fund, 2006) ,P.3.

Kamal Sharaf and Hashem Abu Araj, Money and Banks, (Damascus: Damascus University, 1994), p. 253; Zuhair Juma Al-Maliki, The Largest Financial Manipulation in Human History, (Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning, 2014), p. 7.

Danny Roderick, The Dilemma of Globalization, translated by Rehab Salah El-Din, (Cairo: Hindawi Foundation for Education and Culture, 2014), p. 90.

Valentin Katsonov, Bretton Woods: Pivotal Events in Modern Financial History, translated by Abdullah Ahmed, (Al-Hasakah: Ugarit House for Authorship, Translation and Publishing, 2020), p. 84.

Yasser Al-Huwaish, International Economic Organizations, (Syrian Virtual University: University Encyclopedia, 2018), p. 10.

Henry Morgenthau, Jr.: American politician, born in New York City in 1891, served as Secretary of the American Treasury during the Franklin Roosevelt administration, played a key role in the design and financing of the New Deal, and a pivotal role in financing the participation of the United States of America in World War II, and gradually played a major role in shaping American foreign policy, especially with regard to the Lend-Lease Act, support for China, assistance to Jewish refugees, and proposed the "Morgenthau Plan" To prevent Germany from once again posing a military threat by destroying its industry, he became a controversial figure in American foreign policy, died in 1967, for more details, see:

Herbert Levy, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. :The Remarkable Life of FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, (New York : Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., 2015).

( ) Dhofar Muhammad Al-Bazouni, The International Position on the Bretton Woods Conference and its Results (1-22 July 1944), ((Uruk for Human Sciences)), "Magazine", Al-Muthanna University, College of Education for Human Sciences, Volume Fourteen, Issue III, 2021, p. 2076.

James M. Button, Is there a new Bretton Woods Agreement?, ((Finance and Development)), "Journal", International Monetary Fund, Washington, March, 2009, p. 45.

Jean Denizt, The Dollar: History of the International Monetary System 1945-1988, translated by Hisham Metwally, (Damascus: Dar Tlass for Studies, Translation and Publishing, 1989), pp. 57-58.

(17) The New York Times (Newspaper), No: 27,349, 23 April 1944.

(18) Filippo Cesarano , Monetary Theory And Bretton Woods , The Construction of an International Monetary Order , (New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006) , P.159.

(19) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, Department of State America , Bretton Woods , New Hampshire July 1-22 , 1944 , Vol. II , (Washington : United States Government Printing Office , 1948) , P. 1629.

(20) A. N. Field , The Bretton Woods Plot , ( California: Omni Publications, 1957) ,P.3.

(21) Washington Herald ( Newspaper ) , No : 25,643 , 2 July 1944

The United Nations had not yet been established at that time, but the United States of America had already taken the initiative to call the Bretton Woods Conference the United Nations Conference in order to apparently raise the importance of the decisions of the Conference and to give the character of international legitimacy to this international convention, as those resolutions were adopted without any doubt, and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank became specialized agencies of the United Nations in 1947. See: Valentin Katsunov, op. cit., p. 79.

Fouad Qasim al-Amir, op. cit., pp. 45-46;

T.W.B.A , Explore History, Bretton Woods and the Birth of the World Bank.

(24) The New York Times (Newspaper), No: 27,408, 3 July 1944.

(25) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, , VOL. I, OP., CIT, P.19.

(26) T.W.B.A , Explore History, Bretton Woods and the Birth of the World Bank.

(27) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, Vol. I, OP., Cit, p.13.

(28) Ahmed Naciri , OP., Cit, p.28.

Ramzi Zaki, op. cit., p. 134.

(30) Mahbub ul Haq , and others , The UN and the Bretton Woods institutions : new challenges for the twenty-first century , (Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1995), P.17.

Ramzi Zaki, op. cit., p. 134.

(32) P.D.U.N.M.F.C, Vol. I, OP., Cit, p.71.

(33) Ibid., p.72.

(34) Ibid. , p.73.

(35) Ibid. , p.80.

(36) Ibid. , p.80.

(37) Ibid. , p.81.

(38) Ibid. , p.80.

(39) Andre Astrow, OP., Cit, p.7.

Ramzi Zaki, op. cit., p. 155.

() Keynesian economic school: This school is attributed to the British economist John Munyard Keynes, and is one of the most important schools of economic thought and the most researched in giving the role of the state and attention to the subject of unemployment, and his ideas have received acceptance by many contemporary thinkers to him; because the theory of Keynesian emerged after the global crisis that occurred in 1929, which was called the Great Depression, and gave treatment after the classical and neoclassical school was unable to solve the problem, the ideas of the Keynesian marginal school were built on Analysis of what was mentioned in the book of the English economic thinker Keynes, which he mentioned in his book (The General Theory of Employment and Money), see: Tharwat Jahan and others, What is Keynesian economics? ((Finance and Development))", Magazine", International Monetary Fund, Washington, Issue 51, September 2014, p. 53.

( ) The welfare state: It is an interventionist capitalist project in the Keynesian sense, based on the effectiveness of self-centered national production systems, based on interdependence among them, and characterized by a historical settlement between capital and labor, given the role played by popular forces in the victory over fascism, and this project was adopted by Western European countries, North American countries and Japan. See: Alaa Farhan Taleb et al. , Management of Financial Institutions: A Contemporary Intellectual Introduction, (Amman: Dar Al-Ayam for Publishing and Distribution, 2013), p. 241.

Fouad Qasim Al-Amir, previous source, p. 47.

( ) Habbal Najat, The role of the International Monetary Fund in addressing financial crises, a case study of Greece, Master's thesis (unpublished), Algeria, (University of Mohamed Khider Biskra, Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, 2016), p. 3.

Mayh Shabib Al-Shammari and Hassan Karim Hamza, International Finance: Theoretical Foundations and Analytical Methods, (Najaf: Dar Al-Diaa for Printing and Publishing, 2015), p. 86.

Ernst Wolf, The International Monetary Fund is a Great Power in the Global Arena, translated by Adnan Abbas Ali, (Kuwait: The World of Knowledge, 2016), p. 25.

(47) Mahbub ul Haq, and others , OP., Cit ,P.19.

Ramzi Zaki, op. cit., p. 135.

(49) Mahbub ul Haq, and others , OP., Cit ,P.22.

( ) Keynes chose this term Bancor, which consists of two words in French (Banque), and gold (Or), merged with one word, and his purpose in this name was to combine the idea of flexibility that usually characterizes the bank, and the idea of stability or stability of the value that characterizes gold. See: Abdul Karim Jaber Al-Issawi, International Finance (Modern Introduction), ( Amman: Dar Safaa for Publishing and Distribution, 2015), p. 12.

(51) Přemysl Zbranek , OP., Cit , p.20.

Zainab Hussein Awadallah, International Economic Relations, (Alexandria: Al-Fath for Printing and Publishing, 2003), p. 154.

Dan Bou Abdallah, Mechanisms of monetary institutions in the prevention and confrontation of international financial crises: a case study of the global financial crisis, PhD thesis (unpublished), Algeria, (University of Abou Bakr Belkaid Tlemcen: Faculty of Economics, Management Sciences and Commercial Sciences, 2015), p. 17.

Ramzi Zaki, op. cit., pp. 136-137.

Hazem Al-Beblawi, The Contemporary International Economic System, (Kuwait: The World of Knowledge, No. 257, 2000), p. 47.

Hazem El-Beblawy, Theory of International Trade, (Alexandria: Dar Al-Maaref, 1968), p. 241.

Mayh Shabib Al-Shammari, Hassan Karim Hamza, previous source, p. 86.

Hazem al-Beblawi, Trade Theory ..., Ibid., p. 241.

Hazem al-Beblawi, The International Economic System ..., op. cit., p. 48.

Radwan Zahrou, Contemporary Global Economy: Introductions and Prospects, (Rabat: Maslak Publications, 2004), p. 150.

Hazem al-Beblawi, The International Economic System ..., Ibid., p. 36.

Hazem al-Beblawi, Trade Theory ..., Ibid., p. 242.

(63) Přemysl Zbranek , OP., Cit , p.19.

(64) Filippo Cesarano , OP., Cit, p.148.

Ali Abdel Fattah Abu Sharar, International Economics: Theories and Policies, (Amman: Dar Al-Masirah for Publishing, Distribution and Printing, 2010), p. 464.

Dan Bou Abdullah, op. cit., p. 18.

Ramzi Zaki, op. cit., p. 138.

Dan Bou Abdullah, op. cit., p. 18.

Ramsay Clark et al., The American Empire, vol. 1, (Cairo: Al-Shorouk Library, 2001), p. 162.

Dan Bou Abdullah, op. cit., p. 18.

Khamis Muhammad Hassan, Elements of the Dollar as an International Currency and Monopoly Profits Achieved for the United States of America, ((Iraqi Economic Sciences)), "Magazine", Baghdad, Al-Mustansiriya University, Fifth Year, Issue Fourteen, 2007, p. 119.

Ali Abdel Fattah Abu Sharar , op. cit., p. 465.

Radwan Zahrou, Contemporary World Economy: Introductions and Prospects, (Rabat: Maslak Publications, 2004), p. 167.

Ali Abdel Fattah Abu Sharar , op. cit., p. 465.

Hazem al-Beblawi, The International Economic System ..., Ibid., p. 49.

Zuhair Juma al-Maliki, op. cit., p. 9.

Ernst Wolff, op. cit., p. 25.

Enas Diaa Mahdi, The Strategic Role of the International Monetary Fund in Leading the Global Economy, Tikrit University, ((Tikrit for Political Science)), "Magazine", No. 22, 2020, p. 228.

Mayeh Shabib Al-Shammari and Hassan Karim Hamza, previous source, p. 87.

Among the participating delegations were the 19 Latin American countries, and the importance of their position comes from the fact that their presence constitutes almost half of the countries assembled, which led to the concern of the British delegation about the numerical dominance of Latin American countries in the conference, because their presence is sufficient to settle any issue through voting and with the results desired by the American administration, and the representatives of Latin America worked coherent and in close cooperation with the American delegation to support and endorse their project. In exchange for financial support and solving the economic problems of Latin American countries, the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) agreed among themselves to stand behind the American project because of the economic difficulties related to economic reconstruction after the war. See: Dhofar Muhammad al-Bazuni, previous source, pp. 2079-2080.

Valentin Katsunov, op. cit., p. 78.

(82) Přemysl Zbranek, OP., Cit, p.19.

(83) T.W.B.A , Explore History, Bretton Woods and the Birth of the World Bank ; The New York Times (Newspaper),No: 27,438, 23 July 1944.

(84) Joseph Gold, Financial assistance by the International Monetary Fund: Law and practice, ( Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1980) , p.4-5.

It was planned to establish a third world organization, the World Trade Organization, if this organization had been established, its work would have focused on setting rules for international trade, doing business, and international investment, but the opposition of the United States of America eliminated the idea of the World Trade Organization, as it expected that its establishment would lead to political division, and therefore a decision was taken to postpone it until after the end of the war. It was not established until 1995 as an in-depth and extensive development of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1948. See: James Garber, International Economics, translated by Haitham Issa and others, (Damascus: Arab Center for Arabization, Translation, Authorship and Publishing, 2013), p. 25.

Hassan Najafi, The International Monetary System and the Crisis of Developing Countries, (Baghdad: Iyad Technical Printing Company, 1988), p. 23.

Khamis Muhammad Hassan, previous source, p. 119.

Hazem Al-Beblawi, Perspectives on the Contemporary Economic Reality, (Kuwait: a quarterly series issued by Al-Arabi magazine, Book Eleven, April 15, 1986), p. 62.

Nawal Balah and Karima Boubartakh, The Impact of Euro Dollar Competition on the International Monetary System, Master's Thesis (unpublished), (Mohammed Al-Siddiq Bin Yahya University - Jijel-: Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, 2015), p. 38.

Hazem al-Beblawi, The International Economic System ..., Ibid., p. 36.

Noman Saidi, The International Dimension of the Monetary System under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund, (Algeria: Dar Belkis, 2011), p. 38.

Zainab Hussein Awadallah, op. cit., p. 148.

James M. Button, op. cit., p. 45.

Harold James, From Bretton Woods to Brexit, ((Finance and Development))", Magazine, International Monetary Fund, Washington, Issue 4, September 2017, p. 5.



How to Cite

Al-Asadi, S. and Shandel, T. (2024) “The role of the United States of America in concluding the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 The US dollar is issued to the international monetary system”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 67–94. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15841.

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