Advice and directives of the supreme religious authority for fighters in the arenas of jihad after the fall of Mosul 2014_2017


  • M. M. Hassoun Aboud Muhaibis Iraqi University / College of Arts



Tips, Directions, Religious Authority, Fighters, Jihad Squares, Mosul, 2014, 2017


The role of the supreme religious authority escalated remarkably after the entry of the terrorist organization ISIS into Iraq and its control of important parts in Mosul, Anbar, Kirkuk and Salah al-Din, especially the fatwa of efficient jihad to repel terrorist organizations and defend the homeland and sanctities, so the fatwa of jihad al-kafa'i was the deterrent force that ISIS did not expect and the force that embraces its ideology, especially since it was blessed with the birth of a popular formation (the Popular Mobilization). Which was formed from the various spectrums of the Iraqi people and gathered all the components, and the line of the greatest epics of glory, sacrifice and redemption and became an effective arm of the formations of the Iraqi armed forces.

The supreme religious authority dealt with the fighters and volunteers with what was known for everyone's paternalism, so remember the heroic fighters that their grave sacrifices in order to preserve the safety of civilians and their property, which ISIS gangs made human shields to protect them from your prayers, will not be in vain, but rather constitute a solid basis for the unity of this country, land and people, and they are the ones who draw a bright future for the nation so that generations enjoy stability, security and safety thanks to their blood.  It also demanded the supreme religious authority of the military leaders to achieve the highest degrees of coordination and organized work with the General Command of the Armed Forces in the conduct of military operations in order to preserve the unity of the ranks and the strength of the military effort and not to disperse and scatter the forces through individual decisions or difference weakens the determination of fighters and volunteers, for this was the supreme religious authority demanding the provision of all the requirements and kit victory and the safety of fighters and volunteers and praise their sacrifices so that it expressed the fighters that they loved her (these fighters loved the supreme religious authority),  The supreme religious authority took the role of guide, guide, advisor, diagnostics and encourager of political leaders and their demand to provide the requirements of victory and perpetuate the steadfastness of fighters and volunteers, and recommended fighters of all kinds and names altruism, sacrifice, steadfastness and preservation of public and private property and the safety of the people who became hostages in the hands of ISIS gangs.


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How to Cite

Muhaibis, H. (2023) “Advice and directives of the supreme religious authority for fighters in the arenas of jihad after the fall of Mosul 2014_2017”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 1360–1386. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13220.

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